Monday, May 21, 2007


Well, I had started working on this journal last week, but never got around to posting it...
Good news: On May 16th, Shanda and I celebrated our 26th Birthday! We had a great dinner at Olive Garden (our favorite!) with our family! Matt got me the sweetest card and some Pink Grapefruit lotion and lip balm from the Body Shop…it smells so yummy! He always makes birthdays and other occasions so special! And the best birthday news ever- my blood work came back from my ultrascreen appointment and everything was normal!
Update on how I'm feeling: Lately, other than getting really hot, a little morning sickness, and a couple dizzy spells, I've been doing great. I was getting sick every morning, but now it is only occasional. I definitely don't have anything to complain about…I have had very few bad days since getting pregnant! I need to start exercising again…before I got pregnant, I was working out on our elliptical machine almost every day, but lately I can barely drag myself upstairs to check our emails, much less doing any physical activity when I get up there! ; ) Hopefully my energy will return soon!
I've bought a few maternity clothes, but hadn't really needed to wear them yet. During the past couple days though, my clothes have starting becoming a little more snug, so I'll probably get to start wearing them pretty soon.
Our next doctor's appointment is on Wednesday, May 23rd. It is just a check-up appointment, but we're looking forward to hearing the heartbeat again.

Friday, May 11, 2007

1st Trimester Ultrascreen Appt

Today we had a 1st Trimester ultrascreen appointment (combination of an ultrasound and blood work to screen for Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18 defects). This is a new procedure that our Doctor's Office offers through Vanderbilt's Womens Imaging Clinic (they weren't even offering it when Shanda was in her 1st Trimester). The heartbeat was at 164, which she said was perfect. Also, she said everything seemed normal based on her measurements of the neck. Now we are just waiting on the results of my blood work- they should be ready next week. I'm so glad Matt was able to come with me- it was so exciting! Our baby was so little and cute…it kept moving around! She said based on the measurements I am right at 12 weeks, which is what we had estimated.

Our baby's first picture- We love it!!!

Baby was so cute and just kept jumping around! : )

It looks like the baby is sucking it's thumb in this sweet!