Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Go Vandy!!!

Way to go Vandy! Tonight they won their first bowl game since 1955...and the last time they even went to a bowl game was back in 1982. Matt is a big Vanderbilt fan, so he was thrilled!!!

Happy Birthday Nana

Today Nana turned 73 years old and she is as wonderful and spunky as ever!!! She is so special to us and Carter, and we had a great time celebrating her special day and New Year's! We love you Nana!!!

Helping Nana open her presents!!!Happy New Year- we hope God blesses you with a wonderful 2009!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Nike's and Tub Crayons

We bought Carter's Nike shoes in November and by the time Christmas rolled around, they were already too small. So we ventured out to OpryMills yesterday to pick out some new ones. Matt helped him run around in them and he had so much fun...he would watch his shoes as he was running along and it was so adorable! : )

Tonight we let him use his tub crayons for the 1st time.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

We hope you all had a Merry Christmas! We had such a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed our time off together! Carter was able to help open his gifts and take everything out of his stocking this year...and he was so excited about all of his toys! I took way too many pictures, so I'll just post a few...

Oh boy, Santa came to see me! : )
I love this picture of Matt showing him how to ride his 4 wheeler!
Santa Babies!
New tricycle from Mimi and Grandaddy
Loving on his teddy from Granny
Our annual "cousins" picture at Granny's house...we missed you Jana!
Loving his rocker from Gamma and Grandpa (Gamma got this rocker when she was 1 and Daddy used it when he was little too)!Trying on Grandaddy's hat collection...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Matt surprised me with tickets to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra tonight. We had wonderful seats in Deloitte's box and the show was amazing. I expected a regular orchestra, but it was more like a rock concert.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy 50th!!!

SURPRISE! : ) Mimi and Grandaddy both turned 50 within a couple weeks of each other, so we had a surprise party for them.

What's a party, without Carter ending up with a bow in his hair?!?!

Carter had Chili for the 1st time and loved it!And Mere even used her potty...go Mere! : )

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Carter wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

We enjoyed spending time playing with our little guy and watching the parade. Later that night, Matt's dad brought dinner to our house since his mom wasn't feeling well. And the next day we celebrated with my family. We are so thankful for everything God has blessed us with!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

1st Waffles & Carousel

I made Carter waffles for the first time this morning (without the butter and syrup- I don't think we're quite ready for that yet!) and he loved them!

We are so animated these days! : )
Carter also enjoyed his 1st carousel ride this afternoon.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Carter's 1st Birthday

Carter's party turned out great! He had such a fun time with friends and family and received lots of wonderful gifts! He wasn't crazy about the birthday cake when he first tried it, but had some again later that night and decided he loved it! : ) Here are some pictures of his fun day...

Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers during Carter's 1st year!!!