Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy 50th!!!

SURPRISE! : ) Mimi and Grandaddy both turned 50 within a couple weeks of each other, so we had a surprise party for them.

What's a party, without Carter ending up with a bow in his hair?!?!

Carter had Chili for the 1st time and loved it!And Mere even used her potty...go Mere! : )

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Carter wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

We enjoyed spending time playing with our little guy and watching the parade. Later that night, Matt's dad brought dinner to our house since his mom wasn't feeling well. And the next day we celebrated with my family. We are so thankful for everything God has blessed us with!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

1st Waffles & Carousel

I made Carter waffles for the first time this morning (without the butter and syrup- I don't think we're quite ready for that yet!) and he loved them!

We are so animated these days! : )
Carter also enjoyed his 1st carousel ride this afternoon.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Carter's 1st Birthday

Carter's party turned out great! He had such a fun time with friends and family and received lots of wonderful gifts! He wasn't crazy about the birthday cake when he first tried it, but had some again later that night and decided he loved it! : ) Here are some pictures of his fun day...

Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers during Carter's 1st year!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Party Plans

Well, we are about ready for Carter's 1st birthday party on the 16th- just a few last minute things to take care of. I can't believe how quick the past year has has been so amazing though!!!
Back to the party- I changed the cake plans yesterday- we had planned on ordering Gigi’s cupcakes, but I found the neatest pirate cake from Publix, so we're going with that instead.

We also found out that the cute little pirate t-shirt that we had ordered Carter weeks ago, will not be coming. We finally had someone call us back last night and per the guy on the phone "they are basically out of business" least we get our money back.

I can't wait to post birthday pictures and I'll try to get the Halloween pictures posted soon too.