Tuesday, December 29, 2009

For those still checking our blog...

I can't believe I'm so far behind on making posts...work has been crazy this year and blogger is always so slow everytime I try to upload pictures. I'm hoping to get caught up this week, but have been trying to post pictures for hours now...and not a single picture has loaded. Maybe I just need to work on it during the middle of the night! : )


1/4/09- So, I finally finished June-November. Hopefully, I can get Carter's 2nd birthday pics from the photographer and December pics loaded soon!

December Catch-Up

12/2/09- so proud of the artwork he created at Nana's! Him & Mere love playing with glitter and cotton balls! : )

12/10/09- playing on the steps. He wanted to lay down and them and have me take his picture! He loves looking at pictures of himself now!

12/12/09- doing yardwork with Daddy...

and helping Daddy with push-ups! : )

12/13/09- Tool Man!

12/19/09- celebrating Christmas early with Mimi and Andaddy!

12/20/09- playing drums on his log container

This picture cracks me up... Ta da...

12/21/09- playing trains with Daddy
12/24/09- making cookies for Santa

Christmas with Mimi's side of the family

12/25/09- Christmas morning

Christmas with Andaddy's side of the family

12/27/09- playing with his first boardgame (Goodnight Moon matching game)
Playing with his tool workshop...I think he's already "fixed" everything in the house! He even put mommy and daddy to work...

12/28/09- what a cutie!!!

12/30/09- not a happy camper for his haircut!

Dr. visit for a weird rash on his ankle. They weren't exactly sure what it was, but gave us some cream to put on it. Carter was so upset about being at the doctor- as soon as they took us back to the room and shut the door, he kept telling them he was ready to go! : )
Later that night, we went to celebrate Nana's birthday at Olive Garden! We all had so much fun! Nana was a New Years Eve baby!
Carter and Grant had so much fun tickling Mere!
12/31/09- enjoying the lights at Opryland! Carter loved it- even though I know he was exhausted, he was determined to walk everywhere. He even rode on his 1st escalator tonight!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nov 14 09_2nd bday party (216 photos), by Shannon Baskin

I'd like to share my Walgreens Photo Center photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.

Carter had a fabulous 2nd birthday party! He is our little monk monk, so this was the perfect them for him! I was having trouble getting the photos to upload, so here is the link to them on Walgreens. Enjoy!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November Catch-Up

So handsome in his church outfit from Nana! : )
My little man picked this flower and brought it inside for mommy...I thought Matt had helped him, but he did it all by himself! It was so sweet...I almost cried!

Carter & Daddy raking leaves...Carter loves being outside and he loves projects to work on, especially if it involves tools!

Snuggled up in mommy's robe

Ta Da...Mommy stayed up very late the night before the party, but it turned out great!

Helping mommy and daddy set up for his monkey party (I'll add a separate post of the birthday pics that the photographer took).

11/16/09- I can't believe my little man is already TWO!!! It has gone by way too fast! We had a fabulous day though...mommy crammed in so much stuff, we were all exhausted by bedtime!

We didn't give him all his presents at his party, so he'd have some to open on his big day!

The only part of the day that wasn't super fun...2 year checkup!

Blue Coast Burrito made it all better! : )

Then we went to the zoo!!!
Then we went to OpryMills and rode the train...he loved it! He requested the blue one (first day I actually noticed him pointing to an object and calling it the correct color...usually everything is purple)...but by the time mommy ran to the ATM and back, the blue one was full! : ( He was ok about it as soon as he got in the red caboose though! : )
He rode the carousel twice!Then we went to Build A Bear for the 1st time! He has so much fun creating his monkey (aka "Bananas").
Then after we got home and had dinner he said he wanted strawberry ice cream (we don't buy a lot of ice cream and he's never had anything other than vanilla...I was impressed that he even knew ice cream came in strawberry), so we ran to Baskin Robbins! : )

Helping Daddy clean Mommy's car...
Helping Daddy hang the angel on the tree!
We bought Carter a Charlie Brown tree for his room, it was so cute and he was so proud of it! : )
Mere and Carter do art projects with Mimi and Nana all the time and they absolutely love it! And we love coming home and seeing the precious pictures they've created!!!
Art time with Mimi!