Sunday, January 25, 2009

Daddy's Shoes

Matt bought some new basketball shoes and Carter had a blast playing in them. Please overlook the spaghetti stain...he had a little accident at dinner! : )

Saturday, January 24, 2009

12 month pictures

Carter's 12 month pictures are now available:

Select: Order Online
Password: Baskin

So glad he was able to get in a nap before they came to take his pictures- he was in a great mood!!!

Here's a few pictures of him in his rocking chair afterwards...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

We woke up today and it was snowing outside...only a little bit, but Carter loved watching it out the window and we got a few pictures of him standing outside in it...

Cutie Pie

This is one of my favorite new pictures of Carter...oh so cute in daddy's hat and playing with the remote...
Here's a few others...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

1st ER Visit

Right before bedtime Carter fell and hit the corner of the coffee table, right above his left eye. It immediately swelled up really big and was dark purple in the center- and we honestly couldn't tell if it was going in or out, so we made our way to Vanderbilt Children's. It didn't look too busy when we got there, but it took over two hours for him to be seen. Those were the longest two hours of my life...he was tired, we were tired, he wanted to get down on the floor and touch everything (and of course mommy didn't want him picking up any nasty germs in the I had to walk him around the whole time)...and it was 100 degrees in that waiting room...ok, enough of my complaining. Seriously,we are so thankful that it was only a minor incident and we are so blessed that Carter has been such a healthy baby- we can't praise God enough! The swelling had almost totally gone down by the time the doctor saw him, so I'm sure they thought we were crazy bringing him in for just a bruise!

This was probably taken about an hour after his fall...

A few days later...

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Since Mommy is always so busy taking pictures of Carter, Maggie & Lola don't get very many pictures taken of them. Here are a couple after their recent groming...

This is the best group shot that we could get (Lola looks like she's in trouble)...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Yummy Treats

We try to be really careful about what Carter eats...he has mostly organic food and the closest he gets to sweets are banana bread muffins. However, on occasion we'll make an exception...

1st Wendy's Frosty...he loved it! But then again, who doesn't! : )

He also recently had his 1st popsicle (we actually made them with organic fruit juice)...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Our little man in now walking!

Carter has taken steps on a few random occasions, but tonight he walked for us lots!!! It was so adorable and he was so very proud of himself!!! I managed to get a little on video (sorry it's sideways, I can't figure out how to flip it)...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mommy, I had an accident!

(Next time mommy will be extra careful where she puts the box of cheerios!)

10 Years!!!

Matt & I will be married for 5 years in April, but we actually started dating 10 years ago today! We were still in high school, but soon after meeting him I knew he was the guy I would marry. He is such a sweet guy and takes great care of me and Carter. Baby, I love you with all my heart and I always and forever will!!!

High School Prom Matt's graduation from Basic Training

Friday, January 2, 2009

Messy Boy!

Ok, most of you know that I'm a total neat freak...and food everywhere totally grosses me out...but you have to admit, this messy boy is pretty cute! Lately, he is totally into smashing food in his hair and playing peek-a-boo while he eats!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Learning to Walk

Carter has been taking more steps on his own lately. I managed to get the cutest picture of cousin Meredith trying to teach Carter how to walk. They are so adorable together...our family has been so blessed by these two little angels!!!