Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September Catch-Up

Such a cutie!
Helping Mommy work!
Then, working on his own laptop!

Preds Game! We talked about taking Carter since he loves Gnash, but we were worried he wouldn't last long. After we got there, we wished we had've, since Gnash came over by us several times. Oh well, maybe next time.

1st Teddy Grahams! Showing us his Bears! : )

Swinging (or finging as he calls it...soooo cute!) in our closet!

Helping Daddy put down carpet in our master closet! Although the previous owners spent a ridiculous amount of money on a closet organizer system, they had the cheapest green linoleum on the floor. It was the ugliest thing in our house and the first thing I said we'd replace...it only took us four years to get around too it! : )

Helping Daddy put in our new sink!!! Mommy was so excited!!!
Ta Da...way better than the icky black one!

Several ladies in our family were visiting from Florida, so we all got together and went out to lunch at Olive Garden. It was so much fun! Mere even got to go (Yeah...her 1st time to eat out at a restaurant)!!! I know it is stressful for Shanda, so I called ahead and talked to the manager and figured out what was safe for her to eat.

Carter decided to pile Daddy up under his favorite things...
Yum, I love lolipops!
Cleaning house, in nothing but their diapers!