Thursday, October 1, 2009

October Catch-Up

Zoo day with Mommy & Aunt Shanda!

Love this picture! Carter and his Andaddy!

1st DA football game with Daddy!

Helping Daddy mow the grass
New electric toothbrush

Fall Vacation to Gatlinburg! While Nana, Papa, & Joy went on vacation to Florida, Mimi and Andaddy rented a cabin for all of us to stay in. The babies visited Gatlinburg and Dollywood for the first time! We had such a fun week!
Celebrating Daddy's birthday!
Carter & Mere had a blast on the rides!

The guys talked Shanda & I into riding this ride...I don't think I've ever screamed so much before!

Carter still talks about riding the big choo choo train, it was his favorite!!!
Matt & Carter checking out Bumblebee in Gatlinburg.
Carter's first SkyLift ride...he loved it!

Mere & Carter loved picking out apples at the Apple Barn!
We climbed to Laurel Falls one day...

We visited The Christmas Place and let Carter pick out some new ornaments.
Mimi & Andaddy watched the babies one night, so we could go on a date. We had so much fun...we went to Fannie Farkles and played skee ball, ate corn dogs; then we went and got popcorn and fudge and ice cream!
On our last day before going home, the babies were able to ride more rides... hands! : )

1st Vitamins! He loves them, but it's a battle almost every day since he doesn't understand that he can only have one.

Shanda & I went with our friend Andrea and some of her friends to the Casting Crowns was fabulous!!!

Pumpkin Patch! Mere & Carter wanted to ride in the cows and they both ended up getting "Milkdud".

Carter loved playing in the corn!

1st time to use his own potty...yeah Carter!!!

My child with oven mitts on his feet...he came up with that one all on his own! : )

He loved the robot Daddy made him out of blocks...

10 year highschool reunion! We had so much fun!

At Gavin's 3rd Birthday Party! Carter had so much fun! In addition to the awesome kid safe play area, they had balloon animals and face painting!

After the party we went straight to Ghouls at Grassmere!

Playtime with Mere!

Snuggle time on the couch!

So excited about his Halloween goodies!