Thursday, June 21, 2007

Update #2

I’m sorry it has been so long since I have posted an update…I have had the worst cold! I have been so miserable and it has taken longer than usual to get over it since the medicine I can take is limited. My cough still sounds awful, but I’m feeling better today and I’m starting to get my appetite back! : ) We had another doctor’s appointment yesterday- everything went great and our ultrasound is scheduled for July 2nd!!! Yeah…we can’t wait to find out what we’re having! I thought it was a boy at first, but now I have no clue! I think I’ve felt the baby move a couple times, but I’m still not sure…I can’t wait until I start feeling it everyday!
We had a wonderful time in Maui ! It was absolutely beautiful and we had so much fun spending time together. Matt travels a lot for work, so we don’t always get to see each other as much as we would like. Usually I’m a good traveler, but pregnancy + a 10 hour flight do not go well together! : ) I know I was wearing Matt out on the flight…I kept asking him how much longer (every few minutes) and telling him I wasn’t going to make it- I was very uncomfortable and they didn’t even serve snacks on the 6+ hour portion of our trip. At least we were able to sit beside each other on the flight back home. On the way down there, we were able to sit together till we switched planes in Phoenix and then didn’t have seats together. We were not aware of that though and when the lady at the airport (rudely) told me that there were no more seats and we couldn’t sit together, I started crying…I went to the restroom and just bawled my eyes out! Luckily some people didn’t show up and I was able to move seats and sit across the aisle from him. (I’ve been very emotional lately…luckily, my episode at the airport has been the only breakdown in public!) Other than that, our trip was perfect…the weather was great, the people there were so nice, and my sweet hubby took such great care of me!
We went to look at baby furniture this past weekend…still no luck! We had picked out a style that we liked from USA Baby’s website; however, they don’t carry it at the Franklin store…we would have to drive to Memphis or Atlanta if we wanted to look at it. At least we still have time to think about it…which is good, because I’m so picky! : )

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