Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! : ) Last week was my first week back to work and I did much better than expected. I love my job and the people I work with, so that makes everything a little easier! I had a little meltdown on Wednesday night, but other than that I only cried a few times. Carter is doing great at Nana & Papa's house…he is napping good, he has moved up to taking 5 oz bottles now, and he is fascinated with watching Mere Bear play! : ) And he is definitely getting lots of love and attention…which is great, since he loves to snuggle! : ) I've started working 6:30-3:30 and I love it…there is less traffic during those times and I have more time to spend with Carter at night, so it's wonderful! I don't get much sleep lately though…I have to be up around 4 to get me & Carter ready, and Matt & I make sure the house is perfect before we leave (still trying to sell our house…one lady looked at it last week & loved it, so we're just waiting to see if she wants to make an offer). Carter still doesn't sleep through the night, so usually we put him to bed around 8:30 and then I'm back up with him at 12:30 and then I wake him up around 4:00…some mornings he gets up earlier though…this morning he was up at 3:00 so I just had to stay up! I was doing dishes and mopping our kitchen floor at 3:30 this morning. We're always so exhausted by bedtime (Matt is studying for the CPA exam, so he's been staying up late and getting up early as well), but Carter is so worth it…we are just crazy about him!
We take Carter back for his second set of shots on Thursday afternoon…hopefully it won't be too bad! His two bottom teeth are coming in and he has been miserable lately anyways, so I'm sure the shots won't help the situation any! We think he weighs at least 14 lbs now! I’m off on Friday, so if Carter is doing good I plan on bringing him by my work. They've only seen pictures of him, so I can't wait for everyone to meet him!
Oh, almost forgot...Matt & I bought a Nissan Rogue recently…I love it, and Carter and all his stuff fit so much better in it than the bug! : ) I'll try to post some pics soon!

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