Sunday, March 29, 2009

Marriage Conference

Matt & I went to the Weekend to Remember marriage conference in Franklin from March 27-29. It was our first time to leave Carter so that was really hard, but we had a wonderful time talking and spending time together! We had a wonderful date night and the last day we even said our wedding vows sweet hubby even cried as much as he did on our wedding day, which of course had me crying!

We knew Carter would be in great hands with Mimi and Andaddy (Grandaddy). Matt & Shanda went also, so they definitely had their hands full with both babies! Here's some pictures from their fun weekend!

They played with their Crayola Color Wonders...
They had yummy treats...

And later when we got home, Carter was wild and crazy...running around with only a diaper on (he was going so fast, I was barely able to snap a picture before he flew by again)! : )

Monday, March 23, 2009

Fun at the Park

Mimi bought car seats so she could take the babies to the park and other fun places on Mondays. She also bought these little back packs, so she could keep up with them (which was perfect, since they were wild...especially Carter...he was on a squirrel hunt as soon as they stepped out of the car)! : ) My camera ran out of battery power, so she was only able to get a few pictures...
Carter in action...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yard work

So this morning Shanda & I had training for the Country Music 1/2 Marathon...and we did 12 miles in only 2 hours and 2o minutes...which is wonderful time for us! When I came home this is what I found...

My guys were out in the yard working hard! Matt has been trying to level off our back yard a little more, so it's easier for Carter to play out there. And Carter has had so much fun helping. He worked so hard, he slept for almost 4 hours afterwards!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dirty Shoes

Carter went outside and played with daddy tonight while mommy made dinner. When he came in his little shoes were so muddy...and so adorable, I had to take a picture! I know this is only the beginning of muddy shoes for him (and I'm sure as I clean up mud over the years it will become less adorable), but every new milestone and new adventure is so special to me! I wish I could capture every moment!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First trip to the park

Carter LOVES being outside...he gets so upset and cries his eyes out whenever it's time to go in. So we're pretty sure that we're going to spend most of our time outside this summer. It was so nice today we decided to head over to the park and let little buddy run off some of his energy. He had a blast, but getting him back in the car was an ordeal...he was screaming and crying so loud, I'm sure the whole park heard!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Today we got Mere and Carter all dressed up and took St. Patrick's Day pics. They were so cute and had a blast playing in the "pot of gold". Thanks Mimi for providing all the decorations! Here are just a few of our favorites (once again, I took way too many pictures):

I love the Snickers bar flying through the air in this picture...This is the best picture that we could get with the shamrock shades

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Church Fun & Bass Pro

Matt & I watched Mere & Carter in the nursery during church on Sunday. They had so much fun and were so funny! Here's a few pictures:

They love playing in the baby beds...

Mere's kissy lips... : )

Later that afternoon we went to OpryMills mall and let Carter check out the fish tank at the Bass Pro Shop. He loved it! He was glued to it!

How adorable...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Carter & the "sticky paper"

It's so funny how the littlest things will entertain Carter for hours. He has always preferred household objects over his own toys...especially the remote (which he calls "mote") and my cell phone (which he always puts up to his ear and says Mimi)! : ) Well, they WERE his favorites...until he discovered lint rollers! He is so amazed at the "sticky paper"...he laughs and laughs when his hand sticks to it! Oh, what joy this little man has brought to our lives! : )

Friday, March 13, 2009

Mere & the Clock Mouse

Sweet little Mere- she is so funny! I think something in our house traumatizes her every time she comes over. First the puppies, then Carter's dinosaur book...and now the clock mouse! She looks a little worried in the first picture, but is totally freaked out by the next one. Poor girl!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Our Little Angels

Mimi took these pictures a couple weeks ago when she was keeping them. They both look so sweet and snuggly! Carter is sitting between Shanda and Matt's entertainment center and the wall...his own little cubby! He just climbed up in the middle of all the blankets and animals and was playing so sweet! And Mere was taking care of one of her babies! She is such a good "mommy" to them...she is so gentle with them and has to make sure they're all accounted for and are ok. They are both growing up so fast, but every new stage is so amazing! It is so neat to see their developing personalities and watch them learn new things!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fun at Church

Mimi and Grandaddy had Carter in the nursery at church this morning (Mere wasn't feeling well). He had so much fun and the pictures they took were adorable!