Sunday, March 29, 2009

Marriage Conference

Matt & I went to the Weekend to Remember marriage conference in Franklin from March 27-29. It was our first time to leave Carter so that was really hard, but we had a wonderful time talking and spending time together! We had a wonderful date night and the last day we even said our wedding vows sweet hubby even cried as much as he did on our wedding day, which of course had me crying!

We knew Carter would be in great hands with Mimi and Andaddy (Grandaddy). Matt & Shanda went also, so they definitely had their hands full with both babies! Here's some pictures from their fun weekend!

They played with their Crayola Color Wonders...
They had yummy treats...

And later when we got home, Carter was wild and crazy...running around with only a diaper on (he was going so fast, I was barely able to snap a picture before he flew by again)! : )

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