Monday, May 31, 2010

New Computer

Finally up to date...we were having computer/internet issues, so I was almost 2 months behind on updates! I love our new is so much faster than our other computer was!

Memorial Day Weekend

We had so much fun and got lots of projects done around the house! Daddy (and Carter) cleaned up the garage and moved a lot of office stuff into the attic. Mommy updated the website and got all pictures uploaded...whoo hoo! We played at the playground at Chick Fil A! We took lots of strolls around the neighborhood! We went to the zoo! And Carter rode his bike!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sibling Stroll

We took Carter to a Sibling Stroll class at Centennial today! There were two other little boys in his class- they were both 2 1/2 also...they were having little brothers though. Carter was really shy, but he did get a cool sticker, coloring book, t-shirt, and snacks! The class was great, they took them to the labor rooms and showed them were mommy would be and where baby would be after it was born, they got to see the nursery and one of the sweet nurses held up the most precious little baby for them to see! They got to walk up the cool long hallway to the food court...the other boys wanted to run back, but sweet little Carter just took his time walking back! : ) He was such a precious boy today and did great in his class- we are so proud of him!

Strolling in...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Random May pics

Here's a few other random May pics...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Harper's New Chair!

We were so excited to be able to get Harper's new chair today! It is pink minky dot material, and is awesome! We are still waiting on her long actually may not be here until the end of August.

Carter & Daddy trying out the Rainbow play systems again!

Poor little guy sacked out in the car...he had a busy day!

I think I've blogged before about how Carter adores his chair and he even takes naps in it sometimes, which is why we had to buy Harper a new one! Harper's chair is now Carter tested and he gives it two thumbs up! : )
He's also breaking in her bed for her! : )

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Infant CPR & Safety

I didn't think we needed to re-take most of the classes we took before Carter was born, but I thought the Infant CPR & Safety class would be a good refresher! Thankfully, we only had to use our skills one time when an entire sucker fell off the stick and got lodged in Carter's was such a scary moment that we are still traumatized about!

Here's mommy with pretend Baby Harper!

The class always freaks me out, even though I'm incredibly careful about making sure Carter is safe. I think I'm mainly worried about being sleep deprived and caring for an infant and toddler at the same time...hopefully Harper will be a much better sleeper than Carter was and it won't be as horrible as I'm imagining! : )

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mommy's Birthday

Today is Mommy and Aunt Shanda's 29th Birthday! And Carter's 1/2 Birthday...I can't believe he's already 2 1/2 today! We all went out to Red Robin to celebrate! The kiddos had a blast and the food was super yummy!

My little man acting silly...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

After church on Mother's Day! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and an amazing little boy...and a precious little girl on the way! They have changed my life forever and I am so thankful for every day we get to spend together! Being a wife and mommy are a dream come true!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Chocolate Covered Strawberry

After the 3D 4D ultrasound, we had our annual Mother's Day Lunch at the Chocolate Covered Strawberry. It was a little more difficult for me to figure out what to eat since I just found out that I have gestational diabetes- 2 out of the 3 tests were just slightly over. We had a super fun time...I have such a wonderful family! The ladies are just awesome and we have so much fun together! And Carter got to come again with us this year! : )

Our precious angels! Being a mommy is the best thing in the whole world! Next year, sweet Harper will be able to join us!

3D 4D Ultrasound

We had our 1st 3D 4D ultrasound today at Focused Imaging! And of course, our little Harper did not want to cooperate! : ) She was folded over in half, she had her hands in front of her face, she was hiding in the placenta...we were still able to get some really cute pictures though, it just took a lot of work (lots of moving around and several walks)! : ) She is so precious! And we had lots of family come out to see her sweet face! Carter & Mere were there also...I don't think they could tell what was in the pictures, but they had fun crawling around and playing in the ultrasound room! : )