Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sibling Stroll

We took Carter to a Sibling Stroll class at Centennial today! There were two other little boys in his class- they were both 2 1/2 also...they were having little brothers though. Carter was really shy, but he did get a cool sticker, coloring book, t-shirt, and snacks! The class was great, they took them to the labor rooms and showed them were mommy would be and where baby would be after it was born, they got to see the nursery and one of the sweet nurses held up the most precious little baby for them to see! They got to walk up the cool long hallway to the food court...the other boys wanted to run back, but sweet little Carter just took his time walking back! : ) He was such a precious boy today and did great in his class- we are so proud of him!

Strolling in...

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