Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fun June Pics

Daddy and Carter playing with the new sprinkler toy...
And afterwards, a quick haircut!

Before Matt left for work one morning, there were a bunch of turkeys in front of our house...crazy!
Carter in his cool hat from Firehouse subs

My precious angel bear napping on the couch
Trying on his big boy undies- he wanted to wear them today, but didn't want to use the potty, so they didn't last long
On the go, with Mere!

Yummy raspberries!

Am I cute, or what?!?!

Cool dude!

Helping Mommy & Daddy plant flowers

My precious guys!!!

Fun day at the park with Mommy and Daddy

He wanted his own picture taken after mommy took her weekly picture...

Helping Daddy roll out Harper's new rug (thank you Aunt Lori and Uncle Fred- it looks beautiful in her room)!

Mimi helping Carter use his first scissors! He loved them and did a great job!

Napping with Daddy

Playing hard with the water table
Snacking on chips in the swing...he's a chip boy! : )


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Aly Rae Pics

We had Carter's pictures taken with Aly Rae Photography several weeks ago. He didn't want to smile that day, but they still turned out really cute. I'm having trouble uploading the pictures, but here is a link to the uploaded photos on Walgreens...enjoy!

Stay tuned...we should be receiving our family/maternity pics back soon from our favorite photographer Andrea...we can't wait to see them!!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!!!
You are such a sweet daddy to Carter! I can't wait to see you hold our little girl...she is going to love you as much as Carter and I do!!! Thank you for always taking care of us; we are so lucky to have you in our lives!!!

Carter in his upside down shades...
We had a super yummy lunch at Carrabba's! Carter was a busy guy- coloring and playing with pizza dough (it's kind of like playing with Play-Doh)!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Carter's New Bike

We bought Carter a new Harley Davidson bike tonight! He absolutely loves it!

Even though he can reach (as he demonstrates in the picture below), he still prefers not to use the pedals...I guess he think he can go faster using the Fred Flinstone method! : )

Baby Shower

My sweet mommy and sister threw me such a beautiful shower today!!! It was nice having it at my house, so I didn't have to transfer all the gifts afterwards, and so everyone could see Harper's nursery!
Carter looking at Harper's ultrasound pictures before guests started arrivingThe adorable balloons
and decorations...
and favors...
We had such a great many of my sweet friends and family were able to come!

And of course, if there was a ba ba (aka paci) within 100 miles, Carter was going to find it! Ha, ha...the ba ba fairy had to come soon after and take it away! : )

And here are pictures of Harper's nursery! Matt had been out of town for 2 weeks in a row, so the night before the shower Shanda & Matt, my parents, and my aunt came over and helped me clean, hang pictures, etc. Then when Matt got home later that night, he helped me finish everything else...I think we were up till after 1:30 am, but at least we have a clean house now! : )

Here's a closer picture of the vinyl wall cling over her bed...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Gatlinburg Vacation

We took Carter on a special trip to Gatlinburg to spend extra time with mommy and daddy before Harper arrives. We had a fabulous time!!! Here are just a few of the pictures...I took hundreds! : )
We stayed in the cutest little cabin...called Spoonful of Sugar!
Mommy has to take a walk every evening after dinner to keep my blood sugar low, so we were excited to find Patriot Park our first night there.

Matt and Carter had fun running all over the place!
We saw ducks...
Matt and Carter climbed down for a closer look at the water...mommy stayed near the top : )
We went to Dollywood! Here's Carter planning on his day...

Dipping dots- yum-o!Carter's first roller coaster...he loved it!!! We were so nervous for went pretty fast for a little kid ride!
We rode the train twice...Carter fell asleep the first time, so we had to ride it again!
Carter rode the chicken on the carousel...
We definitely had to go visit the Eagles! Last time we were at Dollywood, one of the Eagles had a broken wing...Mere & Carter worried about it for months. We didn't see any broken wings this time!
We visited the Apple Barn...

and the Christmas Place...

We had breakfast at the Pancake Pantry...
We rode the skylift...

Here's Carter picking out some special rocks at the top of the Skylift...
Too bad we don't have one of these at home for time-outs! : )
Playing in the cabin hot tub...
We took Carter to the Dixie Stampede! It was so much fun...and the South won, whoo hoo! : )
Carter was wiped out from our busy day and didn't want to wake up. He finally got interested in the horses and had a blast!

Carter loved the petting zoo!

The camel scared would come running at you and lean way over the fence!!!
Carter even got to ride his first pony...he ended up getting on the biggest one, so mommy was nervous. Her name was Baby Doll and she was more interested in eating than walking, so Matt had a time getting her moving! : )
More rides before heading home...

Carter's 1st go-cart ride!!!