Saturday, June 19, 2010

Baby Shower

My sweet mommy and sister threw me such a beautiful shower today!!! It was nice having it at my house, so I didn't have to transfer all the gifts afterwards, and so everyone could see Harper's nursery!
Carter looking at Harper's ultrasound pictures before guests started arrivingThe adorable balloons
and decorations...
and favors...
We had such a great many of my sweet friends and family were able to come!

And of course, if there was a ba ba (aka paci) within 100 miles, Carter was going to find it! Ha, ha...the ba ba fairy had to come soon after and take it away! : )

And here are pictures of Harper's nursery! Matt had been out of town for 2 weeks in a row, so the night before the shower Shanda & Matt, my parents, and my aunt came over and helped me clean, hang pictures, etc. Then when Matt got home later that night, he helped me finish everything else...I think we were up till after 1:30 am, but at least we have a clean house now! : )

Here's a closer picture of the vinyl wall cling over her bed...

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