Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Harper's Birthday!!!

Harper Elisabeth Baskin has arrived! She is more beautiful than I ever dreamed!!!

We were scheduled to be induced at 7 am on the 4th. They were so busy (some scheduled inductions and some that just happened to be going into labor), it was around 8 before they started doctor broke my water around that time and they took my blood for the cord blood/tissue collection. I was already dilated to a 4 that morning and began having strong contractions 12 minutes after they broke my water. They started the pitocin around 8:44 and it didn't even take an hour for me to get incredibly uncomfortable. With Carter, I was able to wait until I was dilated to like 7 before I called for my epidural. I was still a 4 when I called for it this time...I called for it at 9:42 and they started it at 9:50. I was dilated to 5 at 10:05 and 7-8 by 10:34. The epidural had only numbed one leg at that point (the same thing happened with Carter, it was just my other leg this time), so I was still feeling everything. And let me tell you- the contractions this time were like 10x stronger than they were with Carter!!! They ended up turning off the pitocin and called for a 2nd epidural...they told me that if it didn't take this time, I would have to do it natural. I received the 2nd epidural around 10:45 (thank goodness the 2nd one took) and when they checked me at 11:43 I was dilated to 10. I'm pretty sure I had been dilated that far for quite a while, but due to the shortage of nurses (as practically the entire 5th floor was in labor at the same time), I just had to wait until someone was available. I started pushing at 12:03...only did a few practice pushes and then waited for Dr. Oldfield to arrive. Started pushing as soon as she got in the room...and after only pushing through 3 contractions, Harper was born at 12:22 pm- weighing 7 lbs, 4 oz and 20 inches long! She was born to the song "Bubbly" by Colby Caillat- I love it! Other than the epidural issues, the labor went so smooth and quick! Other than having numb legs for a while, I felt fabulous!!! Harper is so beautiful and healthy! We are so blessed!!!

Ready to head to the hospital... Snuggling with baby #1 before baby #2 arrives...

My mom and Shanda took lots of pictures before and after, but I don't have them yet. Here are a few that we took afterwards...

Daddy with his little girl...he totally adores her, it's so sweet!!!
Mommy with little miss baby!
Our beautiful little angel!Both of our precious baby bears! I don't have the pictures yet of Carter holding her from day 1, but here they are on day 2...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mommy/Daddy Day

We thought we would plan a fun day with Carter before Harper we decided on the zoo! We knew it would be hot, so we were there right when they opened! It was still miserably hot, but we had fun and there were so many animals out!!!
Poor baby...did you wake up to mommy's camera in your face! : )

Baskin Robbins- yum-o!

And now our little man is supposed to be napping, but he's been up there singing..."Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," and "Jesus Loves Me" are his favorites!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Oreo Pie

Carter has been asking for an Oreo Pie, so we made one tonight...before Harper arrives and everything is too hectic! : )

Ta da!!! Mommy's blood sugar was low tonight, so I even sampled some! : )

Last Ultrasound and Dr. Appt

I just realized that I never posted about our ultrasound and Dr. Appt. last Wednesday. Everything went good and Harper Elisabeth is now scheduled to arrive on August 4th!!!! They estimated her weight at around 6 lbs, 4 oz, but she should probably gain another 1/2 lb before I'm induced. She was smaller than I expected, but the ultrasounds can go a lb either way, so we'll see! : ) And I'm definitely dilated to 3 now! We had thought about inducing on the 9th- then her birthday would've been 8-9-10, but they said the fluid level was on the low side of normal and I didn't want to take any chances. So my last day of work will be on August 2nd! Matt & I are planning on taking Carter to the zoo the next day and just spending family time together before our big day on the 4th! They should be inducing me around 7 am- Matt & I will get there at that time and then my mom and dad will be bringing Carter & Mere a little later. My grandparents (and I'm sure lots more family) : ) are going to meet them up there and will watch the babies while I deliver. And since Shanda is only minutes away at work, we're going to call her when I'm dilated to around a 7 or 8 and then she'll come over. So I'll have my wonderful support group again- Matt, my mom, & Shanda!!! Shanda is bringing her new super cool camera, so there should be lots of pics to share that day! We are so excited...AND READY!!! : ) Thank you all so much for praying for us and sharing in this journey with us...we are so blessed!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Stroller

Our new stroller came today and I'm so excited about it! It's a Sit n Stand, so it has a place for Carter to sit or stand on the back and it has a regular stroller seat in the front. It has an attachment, so we can secure Harper's infant carseat in the front until she is able to sit up on her own. Carter had fun trying it out tonight!!! He also told us tonight that he wanted his little sister to sweet!!!

Potty Training

I had almost given up on potty training...our little man showed no interest and would even cry when you mentioned using the big potty. On Friday our family came over to hang out and Mere went to potty. Carter said he wanted to go also, so my mom put him up there and he actually went. He has gone everyday since then with only a couple little accidents (even during naptime and throughout the night)! We are so impressed with how great he's doing! It may not last after Harper is born, but we are so excited that he is making progress now!

Belly Pics

Weeks 5-38:

38 weeks-
37 weeks-36 weeks-
35 weeks-
34 weeks-
33 weeks-
32 weeks-
31 weeks-
30 weeks- 29 weeks- 28 weeks-
27 weeks-
26 weeks-
25 weeks-
24 weeks- 23 weeks-
22 weeks-
21 weeks-
20 weeks-
19 weeks-
18 weeks-
17 weeks-
16 weeks-
15 weeks- 14 weeks- 13 weeks-
12 weeks-
11 weeks- 10 weeks- 9 weeks- 8 weeks-
7 weeks- 6 weeks-
5 weeks-