Monday, August 2, 2010

Last Ultrasound and Dr. Appt

I just realized that I never posted about our ultrasound and Dr. Appt. last Wednesday. Everything went good and Harper Elisabeth is now scheduled to arrive on August 4th!!!! They estimated her weight at around 6 lbs, 4 oz, but she should probably gain another 1/2 lb before I'm induced. She was smaller than I expected, but the ultrasounds can go a lb either way, so we'll see! : ) And I'm definitely dilated to 3 now! We had thought about inducing on the 9th- then her birthday would've been 8-9-10, but they said the fluid level was on the low side of normal and I didn't want to take any chances. So my last day of work will be on August 2nd! Matt & I are planning on taking Carter to the zoo the next day and just spending family time together before our big day on the 4th! They should be inducing me around 7 am- Matt & I will get there at that time and then my mom and dad will be bringing Carter & Mere a little later. My grandparents (and I'm sure lots more family) : ) are going to meet them up there and will watch the babies while I deliver. And since Shanda is only minutes away at work, we're going to call her when I'm dilated to around a 7 or 8 and then she'll come over. So I'll have my wonderful support group again- Matt, my mom, & Shanda!!! Shanda is bringing her new super cool camera, so there should be lots of pics to share that day! We are so excited...AND READY!!! : ) Thank you all so much for praying for us and sharing in this journey with us...we are so blessed!!!

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