Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Harper's Birthday!!!

Harper Elisabeth Baskin has arrived! She is more beautiful than I ever dreamed!!!

We were scheduled to be induced at 7 am on the 4th. They were so busy (some scheduled inductions and some that just happened to be going into labor), it was around 8 before they started doctor broke my water around that time and they took my blood for the cord blood/tissue collection. I was already dilated to a 4 that morning and began having strong contractions 12 minutes after they broke my water. They started the pitocin around 8:44 and it didn't even take an hour for me to get incredibly uncomfortable. With Carter, I was able to wait until I was dilated to like 7 before I called for my epidural. I was still a 4 when I called for it this time...I called for it at 9:42 and they started it at 9:50. I was dilated to 5 at 10:05 and 7-8 by 10:34. The epidural had only numbed one leg at that point (the same thing happened with Carter, it was just my other leg this time), so I was still feeling everything. And let me tell you- the contractions this time were like 10x stronger than they were with Carter!!! They ended up turning off the pitocin and called for a 2nd epidural...they told me that if it didn't take this time, I would have to do it natural. I received the 2nd epidural around 10:45 (thank goodness the 2nd one took) and when they checked me at 11:43 I was dilated to 10. I'm pretty sure I had been dilated that far for quite a while, but due to the shortage of nurses (as practically the entire 5th floor was in labor at the same time), I just had to wait until someone was available. I started pushing at 12:03...only did a few practice pushes and then waited for Dr. Oldfield to arrive. Started pushing as soon as she got in the room...and after only pushing through 3 contractions, Harper was born at 12:22 pm- weighing 7 lbs, 4 oz and 20 inches long! She was born to the song "Bubbly" by Colby Caillat- I love it! Other than the epidural issues, the labor went so smooth and quick! Other than having numb legs for a while, I felt fabulous!!! Harper is so beautiful and healthy! We are so blessed!!!

Ready to head to the hospital... Snuggling with baby #1 before baby #2 arrives...

My mom and Shanda took lots of pictures before and after, but I don't have them yet. Here are a few that we took afterwards...

Daddy with his little girl...he totally adores her, it's so sweet!!!
Mommy with little miss baby!
Our beautiful little angel!Both of our precious baby bears! I don't have the pictures yet of Carter holding her from day 1, but here they are on day 2...

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