Friday, July 13, 2007

Update #3

Just wanted to post a quick update. I've been feeling great the last couple weeks- not really any morning sickness and more energy! My next doctor's appointment is on August 1st…it will just be a regular checkup, other than taking my glucose test. I feel our baby moving every day now…he is definitely getting stronger! Usually he moves a lot when I get hungry and when I lay down to go to sleep. I didn't go to bed till after midnight last night…Matt was painting in the nursery (all we have left is the trim now, so we should be finished painting tonight), and I was trying to clean our house for Shanda's scrapbook shower on Saturday. Well, apparently, midnight is when baby really wakes up…I've never felt him move so much and it took him a while to settle down (it even felt like he did a roundhouse in there!), so who knows what time I finally was able to get to bed! : ) Guess that's just a little glimpse of what's to come!
We're hoping to look at baby furniture this weekend and we're still trying to come up with a name. Everything we really like doesn't work with our last name. Once we decide on some favorites, I'll post them on the site.
Thanks for checking to see how we're doing!

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