Thursday, November 15, 2007

Baby Carter is almost here!!!

We had our last checkup this morning and everything is still great! She said I was dilated a good 2.5...not quite 3 but that it was a really good start. I will be induced at 5:00 in the morning, so I really need to be going to bed soon since I have to be up around 3:00 to get ready! : ) Not sure that we'll get much sleep anyways though...we still can't believe that our baby will be here tomorrow! I started getting nervous this past weekend...still a little nervous, but we are sooooooooo excited! I've been really emotional lately too...I want my baby here so bad, but at the same time I feel like I need more time to prepare. I'm going to miss my baby bump has been so amazing to feel him move inside of me and to be able to protect him and know that he is with me at all times...I think I'm scared that once he is born I won't be able to protect him like I can now...not sure if that's a common feeling or if I'm just being crazy and overprotective already! Well, I better go make sure everything is ready for tomorrow!
Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers!!! We can't wait to be able to share the details of baby Carter's birth! : )

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