Thursday, November 8, 2007

Dr. Appt Update

I had my Dr. Appt. checkup this morning and everything went great! My measurements were good and Carter's heartbeat sounded great! There was a little bit more change…I'm now dilated to 2.5 and 80% effaced. And I'm scheduled to be induced next Friday (Nov 16th)…yeah! He may decide to come sooner, but at least we know he will be here on the 16th…we can't wait! We bought him the cutest little outfit to come home in!
I've actually been feeling pretty good the last few days. I had contractions all day yesterday and although they were fairly consistent and were starting in my back, they never increased in intensity. Although Carter is starting to run out of room, he was very active last night…it was so funny to watch my stomach shift from side to side! : )
I go back to the doctor next Thursday (Nov 15th) to check my status, and unless Carter has other plans, we will be able to post an update either next Friday or Saturday with details of his arrival and pictures!!!

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