Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!

I had my Dr. Appt. checkup this afternoon and I'm now dilated to 2 and 80% effaced...yeah!!! Since my measurements were perfect and Carter is doing great, she won't do another ultrasound unless I go past my due date. That shouldn't happen though, because I went ahead and asked if I could be induced on the 16th if I haven't had him before then...she said that shouldn't be a problem as long as I continue to progress at the rate I currently am. I was so I won't have to worry about him coming on Thanksgiving Day or me still being in the hospital then either. I've had occasional contractions throughout the day today, but they are pretty strong at the moment...especially in my back. Doubt he decides to come tonight, but we'll keep you updated if he does! : ) My mom took some pictures of us the other day, so I'll try to post those soon. Hope you all have a safe and Happy Halloween!!!

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