Monday, October 22, 2007

Update #9

Sorry I didn't have a chance to post an update last week. We've been busy getting everything ready for Carter and I have been so exhausted lately. Still bruised from my fall, but I'm not really hurting anymore, so that's great!!! I was having contractions last week, especially on Tuesday. They were very uncomfortable and were in my back. I wasn't really noticing many breaks, so after several hours I called the doctor and they wanted me to go over to Centennial and be monitored. They gave me an IV (even though there is no way I was dehydrated) and monitored me and Carter for several hours. Carter was doing fine…his heartbeat was good and he was very active! I was dilated to 1 and 70% effaced. Although I was still having contractions, they weren't causing me to dilate any further so they finally let me go. My doctor's appt was that next morning and I was still only dilated to 1 and 70% effaced. I'll go back on Wednesday (24th) to see if there have been any other changes and to get the results of my Group B Strep test. Matt's work threw him a surprise shower last Friday…thank you all so much for the wonderful gifts!!! And I had a church shower on Sunday…thank you Shelley for hosting and thank you to everyone for all the great gifts...I'll try to post pictures soon! We have everything we need now…just waiting on Carter! Matt and I installed the car seat tonight, the camera and video camera are charged, and my bag is packed and ready at the front door! Even though Carter probably won't be here for Halloween, we bought him a little decorated is too cute! I'll post another update after our doctor's appt.

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