Sunday, October 14, 2007

Only 5 more weeks!!!

I've been taking it easy today after my rough day yesterday...I'll explain- Matt & I didn't have any plans, so we were working on getting things done around the house for baby Carter. Early that morning I fell going up the stairs...I was carrying too much and my slippers were pretty slick on the bottom...luckily my elbow broke my fall so there was no danger to baby Carter. It was only a couple hours later and I was coming down the stairs again (with the same slippers on) and Maggie was taking her time going down in front of me...I nudged her with my foot to speed her along and lost my balance at the top of the second landing and slipped all the way down hitting my back and butt on every step and sliding out into the den floor. It absolutely scared me to death, not to mention how bad it hurt...once again, luckily my back end took the fall and my stomach was protected...I was worried about Carter, but was glad he was moving around afterwards. We're doing fine...I'm just incredibly sore and bruised...and for the slippers, they were trashed!
We had Carter's diaper bag monogrammed this weekend and it looks so is all packed and ready for his arrival! Also, Matt and his dad were able to hang his letters over his bed, so his room is all ready too! Only 5 more weeks left...we can't wait!!!
I had a doctor's appt on Friday- everything went great and we will now start going for check-ups each week. My next appt is on the 17th, so I'll try to post an update afterwards- she will check to see if I'm dilated yet and I'll also be tested for Group B Strep.

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