Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Update #7

I had a Dr. Appt last Friday and everything is still going good…I didn't have any pre-labor symptoms this week, so I won't have to go back for 2 more weeks. Also last week, my parents bought Carter's travel system…we were so excited to put it together! I was finally getting over my cold by the weekend and we had a great time at my scrapbook shower...see photo page.
Carter has been so active lately and gets hiccups like crazy. I've been getting really bad backaches and I've also had a pain above the right side of my stomach for the past few days…not sure what it is, but it feels like muscles stretching…ouch! Sunday night my throat started hurting again and felt like it was swollen, I was also really achy and nauseous. The symptoms weren't getting any better, so I went to the doctor on Wednesday- I had a sinus infection so now I'm on antibiotics.
I haven't had as many cravings lately but the ones I've had have been very random…Cherry Laffy Taffy with sprinkles and Egg Salad sandwiches…I can't even remember the last time I had either one of these, it had to be back when I was still in high school! : )
I'm having a Family & Friends shower this weekend at my Aunt Lori's house…it's going to be so much fun, I can't wait…I'll try to post pictures this weekend. Almost 34 weeks, so I'll have another pregnancy picture to post too…I feel huge lately! : ) I weigh about what Shanda did when she had Meredith and I still have 6 1/2 weeks to go! Carter, how big are we going to get??? : )

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