Saturday, September 22, 2007

Update #6

Sorry I haven't posted a journal in a while, I've been trying to take it easy this week. Here's an update on what's been going on:
While I was getting ready for church on Sunday (9/16/07), I started cramping and having pre-labor symptoms. I was really worried since usually I feel so good and haven't had any issues during my pregnancy. I called the doctor and they said that if the cramps didn't stop that I could come into the hospital- so around lunchtime Matt & I headed off to Centennial Women's Hospital. Carter had been moving around so that made me feel a little better, but I was still worried. I should have been resting before we went, but I was thinking "what if he actually decides to come today?", so I was running around throwing things in my hospital bag just in case! : ) I had gradually been adding to it, but I definitely didn't have everything I needed in there. My mom met us at the hospital and they took us back as soon as we got there. They hooked me up to all the monitors and ran a couple tests. I hadn't started dilating yet, so that was a good sign and Carter was still active- he always kicks at things that touch my stomach, so he was having fun with the thing that was monitoring his heartbeat! : ) They kept me there about three hours and although the cramps hadn't stopped they said I could go home- they thought maybe I was just dehydrated and suggested that I drink lots of water and rest as soon as I got home. Shanda had the same symptoms around 33 weeks when Meredith started dropping, so maybe that's what it was. I also had a pretty busy day on Saturday too with our childbirth class, 3D/4D ultrasound, and our search for a new car, so I'm sure that probably had something to do with it. Yes, we're going to have to trade in my bug…the car seat and stroller won't fit in there at the same time! I knew it would be a pain to get the car seat in and out of my back seat, but hadn't even thought about having the car seat and stroller in there at the same time! : ) I love my car, so it's going to be hard to find a replacement! I felt better on Monday after resting, but got hot at work later that afternoon and almost passed out…I even had to lay on the floor. I was working with my friend at her desk…poor Mandy, I know I must have freaked her out! : ) On Wednesday, I volunteered at the Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center for our work's Community Day. I had a great time putting together baby layettes for the expectant mothers attending their childbirth classes, and matching baby outfits. Later that afternoon I stopped by to see Shanda and sweet baby Meredith and I told Shanda to come feel Carter moving…when she felt my stomach, she asked if I was having a contraction. And sure enough, I was! Up to this point, I had only had two Braxton Hicks contractions on two separate days. I didn't even feel that first contraction, but a couple hours later I could tell I was having one even before I felt my stomach…they were coming every 10 minutes and the pains were even starting in my back. I just timed them for a while and once again drank lots of water and tried to rest and after a couple more hours they stopped being as consistent and by bedtime they had pretty much stopped. We had our Infant CPR & Safety class on Thursday. My grandmother (Betty) came with us since she is going to be watching Carter and Meredith when Shanda & I go back to work. I'm so glad we were all able to take the class. I had taken a CPR/AED class last year at work and couldn't remember a thing...for everyone I work with you still do 30 compressions & 2 breaths for infants too! We had a Dr Appt on Friday, everything went good- my weight stayed the same, Carter's heartbeat sounded great, and I still haven't started dilating. She wants to see me back next week because of the pre-labor symptoms I was having. Today, Matt & I had our last childbirth class- Newborn Care. I also woke up sick today with a cold...I feel awful!!!! Hopefully it won't last long. My first shower (scrapbook shower) is on Saturday, so I need to be better by then.
Oh, and we also decided on baby's middle name this week- Matthew!!! Not only will he have part of Matt's name, but Matthew also means "gift of God" and that's exactly what he is- he is such a blessing already!
Hopefully next week won't be as crazy!

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