Sunday, September 2, 2007

Update #5

Hope everyone is doing well! We had a doctor's appointment this past Friday and everything is still going good. My next appointment is in three weeks and then I'll start going every two weeks. As my third trimester started, I began to have minor swelling in my ankles and feet, so I've tried to prop them up is so difficult for me to just sit there though, I would much rather be up doing something. My back has been hurting more often too, but other than that I'm doing great!
All the baby furniture has finally arrived- it looks so great!!! I added some new pictures on the Nursery #2 page. Now we just need to hang a few pictures and his room will be all ready for him! We're getting closer on a name too...finally! : ) We think we're going to go with Carter for his first name (we can just use Garrett if we have another boy later down the road), still undecided on his middle name though.
Only two more weeks till our second 3D/4D ultrasound...can't wait!

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