Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Welcome Baby Meredith!!!

Welcome Baby Meredith Grace! My sister Shanda and her husband Matt had their baby on 8/16/07. She was 8 lbs, 4 oz, and 20 in long. She is absolutely adorable and is such a sweet baby! I have added a new photo page with some of her recent pictures. I'll be able to get lots of practice holding Meredith and changing diapers before Baby B comes…I wish he was here now though, I can't wait to hold him!
Me and Baby B are still doing good! Still no name…Shanda has been calling him Mr. B and lately we just call him B, I think he kind of likes it, but I guess we'll have to come up with a real name! : ) His room is coming right along though- we hung his curtains last night and now we are just waiting on the rest of his furniture to arrive. I added a couple more pictures of his room to the nursery photo page. We also found out last week that we had won a Boppy pillow from Babies R Us at their recent Baby Fair…we haven't had any showers yet, so we were so excited to go pick it up on Saturday! : ) The last couple days I've been having headaches, but I'm so thankful I don't have one today…I needed a break! Recent cravings- Orange Tangerine Juicy Juice (I can't get enough of it!), nectarines & watermelon, Outback pizza from Nick N Willie's Take & Bake Pizza, #2 Cheeseburger Meal from McDonalds (not so good for me, but tastes so yummy!), and I almost forgot- hot chocolate (yes, even in 100+ degree weather). B got hiccups twice yesterday…I think he has had them before, but I didn't know for sure until yesterday. It happened both times after I ate Chewy Sprees, not sure if they were the cause, or if it was just a coincidence. : ) We will be starting our Childbirth Education classes soon…we actually had one scheduled the night Meredith was born, so it had to be rescheduled. Our next Dr. Appt is on August 31st and the second 3D/4D ultrasound is scheduled for September 15th…I can't wait to see his sweet face again!

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