Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Glucose Test

I had another doctor's appointment today- everything went great! My measurements are right where they should be and baby's heartbeat was good! I also took my glucose test to see if I have gestational diabetes. The glucola just tasted like flat orange soda and I didn't have any trouble getting it down in 5 minutes. Later while we were waiting to have my blood drawn, I got really weak and was worried I was going to pass out...luckily Matt was there to take care of me! He was so sweet to massage my back and try to make me feel better! My doctor said as long as I didn't hear back from them then I won't have to come back for a second test, so now we're just waiting.
B.F. Myers called yesterday and all the furniture is in...we are so excited!!! They are delivering it Saturday morning, so unless Shanda has Meredith this weekend we will be able to work on setting up his room! We'll post more pictures as soon as we are able to!
I'm still feeling really good...I've been having more backaches lately, and I can't move as quick as I normally could, but most days I feel as good as I did before getting pregnant! : )

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