Monday, August 6, 2007

Update #4

Sunday morning I had two donuts before church and after I got there I started feeling awful- I was so weak and I was really worried that my blood sugar was high. Shanda checked my blood about an hour and a half after the donuts and everything was fine. Up until that point I hadn't been nervous about the glucose test results, but I was really concerned all afternoon since I felt so bad. Last night we checked the doctor's website and my glucose test results had been posted- we were so glad that everything was normal!!!! I still don't think I'll have anymore donuts for a while though. Yesterday I was craving Potato Salad from Shane's Rib Shack so bad- we had it for lunch and then we had to drive back up there last night and get a pint to go because I wanted it again for dinner! I still crave milk and pickles all the time too! This afternoon I had hot chocolate and doritos...that is probably one of my strangest combinations, but it was so good! : )
The baby furniture was actually delivered on Friday night- I thought it was coming on Saturday, but Matt had called and arranged for it to be brought on Friday, to surprise me (he is so sweet)! : ) The dresser and armoire were messed up, so they will have to be re-ordered (hopefully they will be here in a couple weeks), but the chair, ottoman, and bed were delivered! We love the looks better than I had imagined it would! We washed all of baby's bedding and set up his is adorable! I uploaded a few pictures on the nursery section of the website. We can't wait till baby is here...we are so excited, just the thought of our precious baby brings tears to my eyes!
I've been feeling baby moving for several weeks now, but his kicks are getting stronger. He typically moves before and after I eat and at night when we read in my pregnancy books and I write in my journal. He's especially active when we talk to him at night!
Our first 3D/4D ultrasound is on Saturday...we can't wait to see him!!! I'll post pictures and give you all an update afterwards!
Still no name for baby yet...hopefully soon! : )

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