Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Can't believe he's already 1 month old...

Sorry it’s been so long since I posted an update. Carter’s last doctor’s appt went great- his bilirubin level is now normal and he weighed 7 lbs, 11 oz, so he is now above his birth weight. He goes back on January 21st for his first shots. We still can’t believe Carter is 1 month old…time is going by too quick! He is starting to follow people’s movements and is also starting to smile when we talk to him. We’ve been trying to have tummy time every day, but he isn’t very fond of it. This past Sunday was a big day for Carter…we took him to church for the first time…he was awake almost the entire time and did so good. Our pastor prayed for him and walked him down the aisle and introduced him to the congregation (a tradition for all new babies at our church). Then he went to his first restaurant and after that had his picture made with Santa at Rivergate Mall. He was such a good boy the entire day and we were so proud of him! We finally finished our Christmas shopping and Matt has been downstairs wrapping presents so I could come update our website since Carter was taking a nap. It’s so funny how I fly around the house trying to get things done when Carter is napping! Matt even asked me why I was running in the house the other day…Carter had been fussy and I knew that I only had a matter of minutes before I needed to go to his rescue again! : ) We are looking forward to our first Christmas with our precious baby and although Carter won’t really know what is going on this year, we will cherish every wonderful moment with him! Christmas in our family was always a special time with lots of traditions (baking cookies, pictures with Santa, hiding the pickle ornament on the tree, topping the tree with the beautiful angel, etc) and we are so excited about starting those traditions with Carter!
Well, I better run…hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

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