Friday, February 15, 2008

Carter Update

Sorry again for getting behind on updating the website! It is amazing how much Carter has changed lately! He is getting so big and it seems like every day he does something new or notices something new! He went through a very sensitive stage and would cry if anyone made loud noises, but luckily that only lasted about a week. He has also been very needy and clingy the last couple weeks…usually I hold him most of the day because he gets so upset if I put him down anywhere. I’ve gotten pretty good at doing most things one-handed! : )

Carter is also smiling so much now…he loves when you sing to him and just talk to him. I read him books all the time and so far his favorite is The Little Engine that Could…he gets the biggest smile on his face everytime I say “I think I can, I think I can”! : ) He still loves standing and bouncing on his feet and is now fascinated with watching them! We took him to have his 3 months pictures made at Morrison Photography a week ago and they managed to get some awesome pics of him…we were surprised since he was watching his feet almost the entire time! : ) They also took some really great family pics! They will still be available online for a while, so if you get a chance to look at them go to and click on Login at the bottom of the screen, then type Baskin (with a capital “B”) in the box at the bottom and click Login again, then click Enter Carter’s Three Month Portraits.
Since the flu is so bad this year we haven’t been getting Carter out very often…just to the early morning service at church, Shanda & Matt’s house, and occasionally we’ll ride with Matt in the car if he needs to run an errand. Carter & I ventured out to see Matt on Valentine’s Day also…we picked him up at work and took him out to lunch…Carter was really happy that day and was so good while we were out! Since he had been such a good boy, we decided to stop over at Nana, Papa, & Joy’s house to visit with them and Mere Bear…it was a lot of fun and Aunt Lori and Uncle Gary even stopped by. Them and my mom can’t wait to start keeping Carter…I’m not looking forward to going back to work…I’ve been home with him for so long that it’s going to be really hard, but at least I know he is going to be safe and will have the best care!

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