Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ready for Halloween

We had our family pictures on October 25th and we can’t wait to see how they turned out! Mere and Carter did so good- we even got some pics of them in their Halloween outfits! : ) Later that afternoon, our Uncle Fred had a mild heartache. He was able to go home from the hospital earlier this week and thankfully his tests today went really well (this was an answer to our prayers!)…he will be starting cardio rehab soon and can gradually return to his normal activities.
Carter has been so funny lately…he makes us laugh so much! I was telling a friend how quick the past year has gone- his 1st birthday is kind of bittersweet- my baby is growing up so fast! : ( At the same time we are loving his developing personality! He is so amazing and funny and smart- I love playing with him and reading to him…and just watching him, I could stare at that precious baby forever! We love trying to teach him new words…it’s so sweet, he tries so hard to say them! : ) Recently we’ve been trying to teach him where his head, nose, ears, and eyes are. He doesn’t always point to what we’re asking him, but usually he will start sniffing if we ask him where his nose is…so funny! : ) Mere used to do that too and now she will bat her eyes if you ask her where they are…soooo cute!!! Speaking of Mere, Shanda & Matt found out that she has a fairly severe allergy to eggs yesterday. The poor girl can’t have anything with egg in it and they have to carry around a little epi-pen with them at all times. She goes back in 6 months for more tests, but hopefully this is something she will outgrow.
This week Carter has tried soy beans and pinto beans…let me tell you, this boy loves his beans! : ) Next, we may try pieces of potato or green beans. So far he has loved everything we’ve given him! However, the last couple days he has started throwing his noodles and corn…guess he’s getting tired of those.
Unfortunately, we still don’t have any good house news. Our real estate agent, Barry, sold his company and has joined another real estate group. He said everything would still be the same, just the name on the sign would change- can’t even remember what it is at the moment. We’re still praying about what to do everyday- we don’t feel led to take our house off the market, but at the same time I don’t want to be stupid and leave it on at a time when our economy is doing so bad. It’s crazy…we know we don’t want to be in this house for the long haul and Carter is going to be walking soon and it makes me so nervous with the steps! Maybe God is working on our patience…it’s very possible, I could use some help in that area!
We’re excited about getting Carter dressed up in his Halloween outfit on Friday and taking him around to see grandparents, great grandparents, and a few neighbors. This is my baby’s LAST 1st holiday!!! I’m sure I’ll have lots of pictures to post this weekend! Other than that, we don’t have a whole lot going on this weekend- craft fair at church on Saturday, nursery at church on Sunday morning, and we definitely need to go birthday shopping for Carter! We’ve only bought him one gift so far, so we’ll have to see what all we can find! Oh, and Matt has some major studying for the CPA exam…he had taken a break for a while, but really needs to get back to it! It’s so hard for him to fit it in though with work and traveling and spending time with me & Carter. I totally understand the time he needs to put into it though. Maybe one day I’ll get back around to it’s still a goal of mine, but with Carter here it’s further down on the list.
Thanks for checking in.

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