Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Smart Boy!!!

It’s amazing how much Carter has learned within the last few weeks- he is such a smart boy! My mom showed him the apples in our kitchen on October 3rd and he started saying it that night and has been saying it ever since. It’s so funny to hear him- he says it so clear and repeats it over and over and points into the kitchen until we take him to see the apples. He started saying Dada on October 12th (which Matt was absolutely thrilled about). And then started saying Nana the very next day. He loves going into the garage to help Matt take care of the dogs. As soon as we get home he points to the garage and says “pa” until we take him out there. There’s been several occasions within the last couple weeks where we had actually forgotten about Maggie & Lola, luckily Carter remembered - the puppies are very thankful for Carter! He loves being around them and watching them play outside, but he is still scared of them…he clings on so tight to us and even cried one day at the black covers on Matt’s golf clubs because he thought it was one of the puppies beside him. : )
He points at everything and wants us to tell him what it is- it’s so cute! He has been such a daddy’s boy lately- he wants Matt to carry him around with him wherever he goes! : ) He loves balloons lately too…last weekend he was fussing for one at Publix so the nice workers there gave him a free one. We ended up buying him another one when we went there this past Sunday. He is so funny with it…he carries it around everywhere! He even held onto it the entire time he was eating dinner last night.
He’s been eating more table food the last few weeks also…corn, peas, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, chicken, noodles. He has been doing so great and seems to really like feeding himself.
He’s cruising all over the place, but not taking any steps yet. A couple times this past week, we noticed that he would let go of whatever he was holding onto and would stand for a couple seconds. He loves his little walking toy (it was passed on from Lauren Edman to Meredith and now to Carter)…he thinks he is such a big boy now! J I’ll have to post some pictures.
Slept through the night from October 7th to October 9th…that is a huge accomplishment! The last week or two he hasn’t slept quite as good…we think his 3rd tooth may be trying to come in.
He had his first flu shot on October 15th and he didn’t even cry…we were impressed! : ) He’ll have the second part when he goes back to the doctor for his 12 month check-up on November 17th. I still can’t believe that my baby will be 1 in less than a month.
Still waiting on 9 month pics…I’ll post the link when we get it! We’re anxious to see how they turned out…both him & Meredith needed naps! As long as the weather cooperates, we’re going to have family pictures this Saturday…my mom is having the lady that took Mere’s (and will take Carter’s) birthday pics come out and take some fall pictures of our whole family.
Hopefully I’m not forgetting too many details…it seems like he does something new every day!

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