Friday, January 15, 2010


WE'RE PREGNANT! I know, I still don't think it has sunk in yet, but we are soooo excited!!! Carter seems super excited too! When you ask him what mommy is having, he says "a baby" is so cute! Or sometimes he'll throw in "Baby Jesus"! : ) Since we called Carter Baby B, we were calling this baby- Baby B 2, but Carter has shortened it to Baby 2. So, Baby 2 is expected to arrive around August 10th! Since Carter was a winter baby, he wasn't able to get out much, so hopefully the weather isn't too hot and we can get outside more with Baby 2...that will be so nice, especially since Carter loves being outside! I've been nauseous, especially in the mornings, but I think it's easier to control with the second pregnancy. I've been so exhausted this pregnancy too...I'm sure it's because I have a busy little man I'm always trying to keep up with. I don't think Matt or Carter have ever seen mommy this tired! It's been harder for me to cook lately too...I can't just eat anything, I have to eat what sounds good! Which lately, has been potato soup from Rafferty's, pizza, pickles, and ice cream! : ) I didn't have cravings with Carter until later on in my pregnancy, but this time it has started really early!

12/27/09- these were the same pickles that I always wanted when I was pregnant with Carter! I ate the whole jar tonight! : ) They were B1 G1 at Publix, so Matt went back and got 6 jars of them! : )
1/11/2010- typically my cravings always involve seeing the food first and then wanting it...except this night! When I was pregnant with Carter I always thought it would be so neat to have cravings during the middle of the night and have to send Matt to the grocery store...I'm sure he is thankful that I never did! : ) Late this night, I all of a sudden started craving ice cream in a waffle cone (which I usually never want) from Baskin Robbins...he had specific instructions to get at least two scoops (sherbet and strawberry)...basically the biggest ice cream cone he could get...ha, ha! It was soooo good! : )

On top of everything else we have going on, we decided to put our house back on the market...the market has maybe improved slightly...maybe! It still isn't a good time, but we would love more room and no steps...and a bigger yard!!! It is hard enough with a toddler and steps, but having a toddler and a baby and steps...especially when Matt is out of town, I dread the thought! I fell down our steps when I was far along in my pregnancy with Carter and am still traumatized! So we'll see...if it doesn't sell by the end of August, we'll take it off again for a while.

Our first Dr. Appt. went great and we'll have a 12 week ultrasound soon. I'll also start posting my belly pics! : )

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