Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pizza and Ice Cream

A girl from Matt's work had given him tickets to the Battle of the Boulevard for tonight...Carter was so excited since he's never been to a basketball game. The whole night ended up being a bust...both of us got home late from work, I didn't have time to cook dinner (which isn't the best for a pregnant mommy), and by the time we got down there- every parking spot for miles around was full! We drove around for half an hour and then decided to get something to eat (because mommy couldn't go any longer without food)...we headed to Maffioza's, yum-o! And then they were totally packed out by the time we got there! We ended up driving home and having pizza at a place near our house and then getting Baskin Robbins ice cream. We were both sad for Carter since he had been so excited, but I think he was totally fine after his pizza and ice cream treat!

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