Saturday, February 28, 2009

February Pics

I've gotten way behind on website updates, but I wanted to post a few of our favorite February pics.

Wearing mommy's scarf...

Loving the sunroof open on a sunny day...

Helping Daddy clean out the hot tub...isn't that big smile the GREATEST!!!

Playing with the oven mitt...he's seen mommy use it TONS of times, he knew exactly what to do! : )

Waiting patiently for a yogurt melt (if you look closely you can see some of his teeth...he now has 4 on top and 2 on the bottom)...

Playing football with daddy (he loves the Vols hat that he got from Grandaddy!)...

Coloring with mommy...
1st bubble bath...loved it!!!

Kicking the football with daddy...

I asked Mere to show us her teeth! So cute...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Potty

Carter kept going into the bathroom looking for a potty (he would go to the same spot that Mere's is, at her house) and kept saying "pee,pee" so we thought maybe it was time to get him one of his own. We bought the same one that Mere has- it sings and makes flushing sounds (and since Carter already loves flushing the potty we thought he would really like this...he walks into the bathroom almost every day, flushes our toilet, and then claps for himself!) :) Although he loves his new potty and likes to visit it often, he doesn't want to take his diaper off to use it. He'll sit on it, stand in it, and put toys in it...and he especially loves to take the guard off and play with it (which could be a major problem later on when he does decide to use it- Matt said he may end up having to glue it on.) : ) One of these days he'll figure it out...until then, the potty will be waiting!

Monday, February 16, 2009

2nd ER visit

Ok, so far this year we are averaging an ER visit a not cool! After waking up from his afternoon nap, he managed to open a dresser drawer that was near his pack n play (who knew he was even strong enough to do that). He found some curtain rod screws and when I went up to get him, he had one in his hand and there were several laying around him. Since the little guy puts everything in his mouth that he picks up, I was worried that he had eaten one. He was acting fine, but we didn't want to take a off we went to Vanderbilt. The ER was totally packed out when we got there, so we left and headed to Skyline. They did an x-ray and the x-ray tech even let me and Carter go back and see the scan. Thankfully Carter was all clear and we were able to go home...praising God the whole way! Our little guy is ALL BOY, so I'm sure this is only the beginning of these kind of adventures. It was bedtime when we got home, but Carter was WILD!!! He was flying around, standing in the kitchen pots, laying all over the floor...

Ok, Carter Baskin- this is the last time mommy wants to see you in a hospital gown...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

We had a pretty relaxed Valentine's Day...I had 1/2 marathon training that morning, so all I wanted to do was take it easy! : ) I did manage to make chocolate covered yummy! We got Carter a coloring book, crayons, and yogurt melts- he LOVED it all!!!

My handsome guys!!!

I love the face he made when he saw his adorable!!!

Super Carter, to the rescue!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

4-Wheeler Fun (or not) : )

Today we took Carter and his 4-wheeler over to Mimi and Grandaddy's house. We thought he would love the open land...he did at first and then all of a sudden he started crying his eyes out. He must have seen something or heard something that scared him- the poor little guy wouldn't let me put him down. Oh well, maybe next time. He did have a great time swinging on their deck, playing with Elmo...and he definitely had a blast in grandaddy's office. He even got to come home with one of Grandaddy's Vols hats...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"momma" and "dada"

It's so cute how Carter identifies me & Matt's things as "momma" and "dada". He can't say mommy's shoes yet or daddy's shirt. He knows mommy cooks so the oven mits and cooking utensils are "momma" and daddy's computer and things in the garage are "dada". They learn so much...and so quick just by watching! He amazes us every day by the things he already knows!

He loves wearing our shoes around lately...he doesn't care if mommy's shoes are pink (he looks mad at me about something though...he was probably telling me "no, no, no")...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl

We had a wonderful Super Bowl! It was a beautiful day outside, so we went for a run this afternoon and Carter and Daddy played outside while Mommy started working on dinner. Shanda, Matt, Mere, & my parents came over...and Nana, Papa, & Joy stopped by after church.

Walking down to Mere's house...
Carter had such a great time laying in the grass, but as you can tell Mere was not a fan...she was out of there...

As you can see, the 3-D glasses were Mere & Carter's entertainment for the night...

And they weren't the only ones that had fun playing with them!!! : )