Monday, February 16, 2009

2nd ER visit

Ok, so far this year we are averaging an ER visit a not cool! After waking up from his afternoon nap, he managed to open a dresser drawer that was near his pack n play (who knew he was even strong enough to do that). He found some curtain rod screws and when I went up to get him, he had one in his hand and there were several laying around him. Since the little guy puts everything in his mouth that he picks up, I was worried that he had eaten one. He was acting fine, but we didn't want to take a off we went to Vanderbilt. The ER was totally packed out when we got there, so we left and headed to Skyline. They did an x-ray and the x-ray tech even let me and Carter go back and see the scan. Thankfully Carter was all clear and we were able to go home...praising God the whole way! Our little guy is ALL BOY, so I'm sure this is only the beginning of these kind of adventures. It was bedtime when we got home, but Carter was WILD!!! He was flying around, standing in the kitchen pots, laying all over the floor...

Ok, Carter Baskin- this is the last time mommy wants to see you in a hospital gown...

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