Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Potty

Carter kept going into the bathroom looking for a potty (he would go to the same spot that Mere's is, at her house) and kept saying "pee,pee" so we thought maybe it was time to get him one of his own. We bought the same one that Mere has- it sings and makes flushing sounds (and since Carter already loves flushing the potty we thought he would really like this...he walks into the bathroom almost every day, flushes our toilet, and then claps for himself!) :) Although he loves his new potty and likes to visit it often, he doesn't want to take his diaper off to use it. He'll sit on it, stand in it, and put toys in it...and he especially loves to take the guard off and play with it (which could be a major problem later on when he does decide to use it- Matt said he may end up having to glue it on.) : ) One of these days he'll figure it out...until then, the potty will be waiting!

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