Saturday, February 28, 2009

February Pics

I've gotten way behind on website updates, but I wanted to post a few of our favorite February pics.

Wearing mommy's scarf...

Loving the sunroof open on a sunny day...

Helping Daddy clean out the hot tub...isn't that big smile the GREATEST!!!

Playing with the oven mitt...he's seen mommy use it TONS of times, he knew exactly what to do! : )

Waiting patiently for a yogurt melt (if you look closely you can see some of his teeth...he now has 4 on top and 2 on the bottom)...

Playing football with daddy (he loves the Vols hat that he got from Grandaddy!)...

Coloring with mommy...
1st bubble bath...loved it!!!

Kicking the football with daddy...

I asked Mere to show us her teeth! So cute...

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