Sunday, February 28, 2010

Baby Movements

There have been several times that I thought I felt Baby 2 move…today, I am sure of it! My parents took Carter to their house for lunch after church, so Matt & I treated ourself to Lunch at Carrabba’s…yum-o!!! It was so good…ok, I have to stop thinking about it or I’m going to start craving it! Anyways, after lunch on the way home, I felt Baby 2 kick 5 or 6 times in a row! Baby 2 must like Italian because the next day after eating my leftovers for lunch, it was very active again! : ) And I’ve felt Baby 2 move every day since then…several times a day! It’s so sweet, I love feeling those little movements! My baby is actually moving now- hi baby 2, mommy loves you!!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Caleb's 2nd Birthday Party

Today we went to Caleb's 2nd birthday party! Caleb is in Carter's nursery class at Church and his older brother Gavin is in Mere's class. Their parents are good friends of ours and we had such a fun time watching the kids play and hanging out!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My favorite...

place to brush my teeth! It has always been difficult to brush Carter's teeth, but the new location is working fabulous! He brushes his teeth while looking in the mirror and then mommy inspects and helps him brush a little more!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

We had such a wonderful Valentine's Day including a yummy lunch at Olive Garden!!!

Carter in his adorable shirt from Mimi that says "My Mommy is my Valentine"!
Loving his giant lollipop!!!
Daddy bought mommy the prettiest sweet!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fun day with the babies

My grandparents were out of town today for a funeral, so I stayed home and watched our precious little angels. We had such a fun day! Aunt Lori stopped by and played for a little while (picture taken by photographer Mere)!

They made pallets all over the place and watched Full House (Mere's new favorite), we read books, and played with the majority of toys in the play room...

Shanda- I promise your child didn't have a horrible day! She was having fun with the camera and wanted to take a picture of herself! I helped her turn the camera around and instead of smiling for it, she made this frumpy face...only Mere! : )
Surprisingly, I got both of them down for naps at the same time! Mere took a 3 hour nap and I finally woke Carter up after taking a 3 1/2 hour nap...that has to be a record!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday pics

I went to go wake my little man up for church and freaked out when I couldn't find I turned around to walk out the door, there he was! He woke up early and then rocked himself back to sleep in his cute!

Getting the co-sleeper ready for Baby 2! This is one of my most favorite baby items! I wouldn't register for one because I told Matt that we didn't need it. Only a couple days after Carter came home and wouldn't sleep anywhere other than on us, I begged him to go buy it! : ) Carter slept most of his 1st 3 months in the middle of our bed! It was fabulous for a nervous first time mommy...I would go to sleep with my hand on his tummy feeling him breath!

Loving on Daddy before he left for his trip to Wilton, Connecticut...we'll miss you!!!

We had a big Super Bowl party with our entire Bible Study group and everyone's kids was so much fun!!! I was all over the place and didn't even think about taking pictures! We sure missed Daddy tonight at our Super Bowl party!

Thursday, February 4, 2010