Sunday, February 28, 2010

Baby Movements

There have been several times that I thought I felt Baby 2 move…today, I am sure of it! My parents took Carter to their house for lunch after church, so Matt & I treated ourself to Lunch at Carrabba’s…yum-o!!! It was so good…ok, I have to stop thinking about it or I’m going to start craving it! Anyways, after lunch on the way home, I felt Baby 2 kick 5 or 6 times in a row! Baby 2 must like Italian because the next day after eating my leftovers for lunch, it was very active again! : ) And I’ve felt Baby 2 move every day since then…several times a day! It’s so sweet, I love feeling those little movements! My baby is actually moving now- hi baby 2, mommy loves you!!!

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