Wednesday, March 3, 2010

17 week check-up

We had a good check-up today: blood pressure was good, gained 4 lbs since last visit (it sounded like a lot to me when she first said it, but that is only a lb. a week since my last visit, so I think I’m right on track), heart beat sounded great (with Carter and Baby 2 our doctor has always been able to find the heart beat so quick, she never has to search for it), we scheduled our 20 week ultrasound for March 26th (yeah…I can’t believe we find out what we’re having in 3 weeks…this pregnancy is going by so quick!!!), and as for my icky ankle- she suggested I call a Medical Supply store and try some stronger support hose. I joked about as I get closer to the end of pregnancy, I would need to sleep by the potty since I wouldn’t be able to hop anymore…she seriously mentioned using a bed pan…aaah, absolutely not! I told my friend Mandy that I was totally going to be a granny! : ) Even before my granny & nana are…they are so young and fun and here I am with my support hose and bed pan…ha, ha!

For the history on my ankle- when I was about 16 weeks pregnant with Carter, Matt and I used all his travel points and went on a “Babymoon” to Maui. It was a fabulous trip, but the flight was miserable for a pregnant lady! It took forever to get there! I stayed awake the entire trip down there and made sure to move my legs around often. However, on the way back, it was early and I was sick and miserable and finally fell asleep with my barf bag in hand. I slept for several hours without moving. Shortly after we got back, I noticed an icky purple vein on my left ankle. It wasn’t big or painful, just not very pretty. It got larger and more purple throughout the rest of my pregnancy and then after I had Carter it slowly got better…although it didn’t go away, it faded and just looked like a bruise. As soon as I got pregnant this time, it swelled up worse than it did during my last few weeks of pregnancy with Carter. It is very painful and I have trouble walking towards the end of the night…some nights I can’t even make it up the stairs to tuck Carter in...and I have to hop or limp to the restroom. I bought an ankle support a couple weeks ago and it helps a little, but not enough. I’m usually fine during the day since I sit so much at work, it’s just after I pick Carter up and I’m cooking dinner and playing and standing more. Thankfully, I’m over the extreme exhaustion and everyday nauseousness, but I’m worried that this ankle thing is going to be so much worse as I continue gaining weight. As soon as I have the baby, I can go to Lave MD and have a laser procedure done that should hopefully totally get rid of it. But until then, I'll just have to deal with it.

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