Saturday, April 25, 2009

Country Music 1/2 Marathon!!!

I was so excited and nervous as we were waiting to begin!!! It was really fun, especially with so many people there (running and cheering on the sides)! We started out doing awesome, but as we went on and the temperature rose...and poor Shanda developed heat quickly became rough! I just had to focus on the music and the people...and try to get Shanda to do the same! And there was a whole lot of praying going on!!!

Here's a few pictures before we finished. Our hubbies brought the babies, and our mom, dad, and granny came to cheer us on also! We were so glad they were there!!!

Here I come...almost done!!!

Yeah for Mommy!!!
Me with my guys! Poor little buddy was so exhausted by this point...
Us and Daddy...
Us and Mommy...
Us and Granny...
Whoo hoo...WE DID IT!!!

We put our verse (Hebrews 12:1) on the back of our shirts. There were so many people that came up to us and asked us what the verse was, people that patted us on the backs and said great shirt, or thanks for being blessings, etc. It was brought tears to my eyes every time we were able to share our special verse with them!
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." - Hebrews 12:1

Thank you so much to everyone that supported us as we trained for this HUGE milestone! We are planning on keeping up the running...maybe some 5K's or 10K's in the near future. And our hubbies are going to start running with us too...Matt (mine)may even do a full marathon!!! : )

And for the official results...Shanda and I both finished at 2 hrs 37 min 58 sec. Whoo hoo!!! Our goal was 2 hrs, 15 min, but considering the heat that day, I think we did pretty good!!!

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