Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

Here's our little man practicing in the yard for his 1st Easter egg hunt at church...

Lola helped out too!

Mere even came over to practice, since it was her 1st Easter egg hunt too!

April 11th- Here he is on his big day! : )
He was content to just sit and hold the eggs...

Mere was a pro...she had so many eggs they were falling out of her basket. She would pick them up and put them in other kids' baskets. : )

Here she is helping Carter carry his basket...such a sweet girl! : )

I had so much fun!!!

Here they are checking out their goodies...

Easter morning, 4/12/09- Look what the easter bunny brought me! Carter was so excited about his bubbles, sidewalk chalk, play-doh, ball, and Elmo books!

After church, we all went over to Aunt Becky and Uncle Gary's house for lunch. We had a great time together and Carter even had his very own easter egg hunt, since Mere was in Shelbyville. He did really good putting the eggs in his basket.

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