Monday, April 6, 2009

Maggie May

We have thought long and hard about what to do with our dog Maggie…and have finally decided to let her go stay at Matt’s parents house. Maggie is not your typical dog- she has always been hyper and barky…and at times aggressive. She is larger than most miniature schnauzers and is very strong & active…and sooooo smart!!! Since Carter has been born we have had to keep her put up most of the time, even though Carter loves her and she seems to like Carter too. We just can’t trust her around him…and we know she’s been miserable having to stay up…and we’ve had to keep Lola put up a lot too because Maggie is aggressive towards her if we let her stay out.

Yesterday Matt's dad came to pick her up...and it was so hard to let her go, she was like my first baby! She will be 6 years old this weekend- Matt got her for me as an early birthday present a year before we got married, so we’ve always had her around. I know she’ll be happier- they have a lot of land for her to run around on and another dog that she can play with- but it was still really hard. Carter said her name a lot yesterday (well he says Mammie)- it’s like he knew something was going on. Lola seemed a little sad and lost last night, but I think she’ll adjust fine- she loves to snuggle so I know she’s going to be thrilled about spending more time with us. And Maggie wasn’t very nice to her most of the time anyways. I tried to get a couple pictures before she left yesterday, but she was ready to go outside and didn’t want to cooperate. Here's the best one...

Here’s a few other pictures from the past couple years…

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