Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!

I had my Dr. Appt. checkup this afternoon and I'm now dilated to 2 and 80% effaced...yeah!!! Since my measurements were perfect and Carter is doing great, she won't do another ultrasound unless I go past my due date. That shouldn't happen though, because I went ahead and asked if I could be induced on the 16th if I haven't had him before then...she said that shouldn't be a problem as long as I continue to progress at the rate I currently am. I was so I won't have to worry about him coming on Thanksgiving Day or me still being in the hospital then either. I've had occasional contractions throughout the day today, but they are pretty strong at the moment...especially in my back. Doubt he decides to come tonight, but we'll keep you updated if he does! : ) My mom took some pictures of us the other day, so I'll try to post those soon. Hope you all have a safe and Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Update #9

Sorry I didn't have a chance to post an update last week. We've been busy getting everything ready for Carter and I have been so exhausted lately. Still bruised from my fall, but I'm not really hurting anymore, so that's great!!! I was having contractions last week, especially on Tuesday. They were very uncomfortable and were in my back. I wasn't really noticing many breaks, so after several hours I called the doctor and they wanted me to go over to Centennial and be monitored. They gave me an IV (even though there is no way I was dehydrated) and monitored me and Carter for several hours. Carter was doing fine…his heartbeat was good and he was very active! I was dilated to 1 and 70% effaced. Although I was still having contractions, they weren't causing me to dilate any further so they finally let me go. My doctor's appt was that next morning and I was still only dilated to 1 and 70% effaced. I'll go back on Wednesday (24th) to see if there have been any other changes and to get the results of my Group B Strep test. Matt's work threw him a surprise shower last Friday…thank you all so much for the wonderful gifts!!! And I had a church shower on Sunday…thank you Shelley for hosting and thank you to everyone for all the great gifts...I'll try to post pictures soon! We have everything we need now…just waiting on Carter! Matt and I installed the car seat tonight, the camera and video camera are charged, and my bag is packed and ready at the front door! Even though Carter probably won't be here for Halloween, we bought him a little decorated is too cute! I'll post another update after our doctor's appt.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Only 5 more weeks!!!

I've been taking it easy today after my rough day yesterday...I'll explain- Matt & I didn't have any plans, so we were working on getting things done around the house for baby Carter. Early that morning I fell going up the stairs...I was carrying too much and my slippers were pretty slick on the bottom...luckily my elbow broke my fall so there was no danger to baby Carter. It was only a couple hours later and I was coming down the stairs again (with the same slippers on) and Maggie was taking her time going down in front of me...I nudged her with my foot to speed her along and lost my balance at the top of the second landing and slipped all the way down hitting my back and butt on every step and sliding out into the den floor. It absolutely scared me to death, not to mention how bad it hurt...once again, luckily my back end took the fall and my stomach was protected...I was worried about Carter, but was glad he was moving around afterwards. We're doing fine...I'm just incredibly sore and bruised...and for the slippers, they were trashed!
We had Carter's diaper bag monogrammed this weekend and it looks so is all packed and ready for his arrival! Also, Matt and his dad were able to hang his letters over his bed, so his room is all ready too! Only 5 more weeks left...we can't wait!!!
I had a doctor's appt on Friday- everything went great and we will now start going for check-ups each week. My next appt is on the 17th, so I'll try to post an update afterwards- she will check to see if I'm dilated yet and I'll also be tested for Group B Strep.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Update #8

I'm feeling much better this week- still exhausted from last week and this past weekend, but other than being tired I'm feeling great! I added a new photo page from my surprise work shower on October 4th- it was so wonderful…thanks again!!! That day was also Matt's 26th birthday, so I took him to Maggiano's after work and then to the Preds opening game…it was a great game and we had so much fun! Carter really enjoyed it too…he was very active and kept kicking out my right side! : ) Matt thought we needed to get him a souvenir for his first game, so we bought him a little hockey stick to put in his room…it is too cute! : )
My Aunt Lori threw me a wonderful shower on Saturday for family and a few close friends…thank you so much Aunt Lori (and Darlene for all your help), I had such a great time!!! I'll be adding a new photo page soon! We've been able to put away most of our gifts, except for the clothes…they are all over the den! Hopefully I'll get those put away soon…I'm such a neat freak, it has been driving me nuts! I told Matt the other day that I think my brain has started nesting, but my body isn't quite there yet! : ) Matt got the pack-n-play and highchair put together this weekend, and my hospital bag is about halfway packed…so everything is coming right along.
As of today, we only have 39 days left until the due date…I can't believe how quick it has gone and how soon our baby will be here! I'm so emotional and so excited, I can't even put into words how I'm feeling…just thinking about our precious baby makes me tear up…I just can't wait for him to get here!!!! Our next Dr. Appt is this Friday, so we'll see if I've started dilating any…this was about the point that Shanda starting dilating, but as we all know Meredith had her own plans and wasn't coming out any early! : ) My ankles and feet have been swelling more often lately, so I've tried to elevate them more. Also, still having bad back aches and the pain above my stomach is from ligaments stretching- that has continued also. We're hoping to get Carter's letters painted and hung over his bed this weekend…other than waiting on one piece of furniture to be swapped out, that is the only thing left for us to finish in his room. Once again, I had a "blast from the past" craving last night at the grocery store…Rice Krispie Treat cereal…and of course we couldn't find it! Why can't I just crave something that you can find anywhere??? Guess that would be too easy! : )
Oh, check out the updated pictures of Meredith…especially the picture of her in her little pink sunglasses…adorable! : )

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Update #7

I had a Dr. Appt last Friday and everything is still going good…I didn't have any pre-labor symptoms this week, so I won't have to go back for 2 more weeks. Also last week, my parents bought Carter's travel system…we were so excited to put it together! I was finally getting over my cold by the weekend and we had a great time at my scrapbook shower...see photo page.
Carter has been so active lately and gets hiccups like crazy. I've been getting really bad backaches and I've also had a pain above the right side of my stomach for the past few days…not sure what it is, but it feels like muscles stretching…ouch! Sunday night my throat started hurting again and felt like it was swollen, I was also really achy and nauseous. The symptoms weren't getting any better, so I went to the doctor on Wednesday- I had a sinus infection so now I'm on antibiotics.
I haven't had as many cravings lately but the ones I've had have been very random…Cherry Laffy Taffy with sprinkles and Egg Salad sandwiches…I can't even remember the last time I had either one of these, it had to be back when I was still in high school! : )
I'm having a Family & Friends shower this weekend at my Aunt Lori's house…it's going to be so much fun, I can't wait…I'll try to post pictures this weekend. Almost 34 weeks, so I'll have another pregnancy picture to post too…I feel huge lately! : ) I weigh about what Shanda did when she had Meredith and I still have 6 1/2 weeks to go! Carter, how big are we going to get??? : )