Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Carter Can Cook!

I haven't made mashed potatoes in years. After Matt & I got married we went out to eat a lot for dinner, so I didn't cook much. But since Carter has been born, I cook almost everyday. So today I decided I would try to make some for dinner. Matt wasn't home from work yet and I was trying to keep Carter entertained while I was cooking, so I let him help me turn the mixer off and on. He had so much fun...especially taste testing them. He kept asking for more!

Here he is with his meatloaf and mashed potatoes. He even had 2 helping of potatoes! : ) I think he ate them so good since he helped mommy make them!
Matt really liked them too! He said they were the "World's Best Mashed Potatoes"! I don't know about that, but they were pretty good! : )

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Carter's New Cup

Carter has had water out of our straws before, but he was excited about having his own straw. He thinks he is big stuff! : )

Monday, May 25, 2009

Hendersonville Classic

Matt, Shanda, & I ran in the Hendersonville Classic 5K on Memorial Day. It was a morning race...and we were so thankful, since it was already so humid when we started. Shanda & I finished in 32 minutes, 5 seconds (we were #5 and 6 in our category)...not bad since we've only been able to run a few times since the 1/2 marathon. Matt ran it in 24 minutes, 53 seconds (#4 in his category). The kiddos, Mimi, Andaddy, Matt H, and his step-brother Josh cheered us on at the finish. It was a great event to benefit the Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center. We had so much fun...we might just have to make this a Memorial Day tradition! : )

Carter wasn't very happy in this picture...he was so ready to get down...
Afterwards, everyone came over our house and Mere & Carter played outside and had a blast splashing in the hot tub.

Here's a picture of Carter trying to show everyone how Mommy smiles...

Poor little Mere...she fell on our deck steps and busted her lip! We're so sorry Mere!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Kitchen Updates

So about 8:00 this past Thursday night we decided that we wanted to paint our kitchen, so Matt ran to Home Depot and we started painting that night. Although we really liked the maroon/bronze faux finish we had painted it a few years ago, it was just too dark...we don't get a lot of sunlight in there, since our deck is covered.

We finished up Sunday after church and we love the new color! It looks so bright in there now and so big. Moving out the highchair has really helped a lot too!

We're hoping to tile the floor and put in a new tile backsplash soon also!

Carter wanted to he is with his little paintbrush. And in the other hand a piece of a grilled cheese sandwich! : ) He cracks us up these days...I can't even describe how funny he is!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

New booster seat and bye bye ba ba!

We've had trouble getting Carter to sit in his highchair lately, so we bought him a new booster seat, so he can sit at the table like a big boy! Here he is eating his oatmeal w/blueberries on Saturday morning...

I'm glad we got a picture of him in his highchair one last time, before we put it away. I can't believe how quick he is growing up! :( Here he is playing with his play-doh...he's doing much better with it lately. We couldn't play with it for a long time, because it would go in his mouth immediately.

Mere stopped by for a quick visit this morning too. Here she is trying to get some play-doh...

And here she is in her adorable pigtails...what a cutie!!!

Today was another big milestone for Carter...not only did he say bye bye to his highchair, but he also said bye bye to ba ba (paci)!!! The first picture above is the last time he has had ba ba. I was so worried about getting rid of it, but he has done way better than expected...he's only mentioned it a couple times. And that is so amazing b/c he was totally addicted to paci! I'm so glad we didn't wait until vacation to get rid of it.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ms. Andrea's Chicken Salad...

is sooooo super yummy! Thank you so much for the recipe!!! Matt says it tastes just like the chicken salad at his favorite place to eat! Here's a couple pictures of Carter trying it out...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Stroller!

We bought a new 2 baby jogging stroller recently and Carter & Mere are loving it!!! Here's a picture of Carter in it the first day before we headed down to pick up Mere...we couldn't get out of the house fast enough (which is why he's crying in the picture)! He wanted in and then I realized I would have to fold it down to get it out of the took a few minutes, but I finally figured it out and then we were off. Jogging with two 20+ pound babies was tough, but they love being outside and it's a great workout! We're excited about taking it on vacation too!

I thought I had a picture of Meredith in it too, but it must be on Shanda's camera...I'll have to add it later.

Oh, and here's a picture of Carter later tonight...he flew into the kitchen and sprayed me with the water bottle. Matt showed him how it worked...he's quick learner! : )

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Too Cool...

In my Batman Shades!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Chocolate Cake and Pigtails

Mimi and Aunt Joy watch the babies on Mondays...and they always have loads of fun! Today, after Carter's 4 1/2 hour nap (that has to be a record for him)...he enjoyed some yummy chocolate cake! Since Mere is allergic to eggs and dairy, I searched for a cake recipe that we could make for our birthday that both babies would get to eat. It turned out really good...and the babies loved it! This is the first cake they've had since their 1st birthdays, so they were excited! Love the funny faces...

And here is Miss Baby in her 1st adorable!!! She looked like a new girl! : )

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mommy's Birthday!!!

Mommy turned 28 today! Daddy played in a golf tournament today, so Mommy got to play with me all day! I tried to take it easy on her! : ) Then Daddy took her to dinner and to shop, while I got to play with my Mimi!
And I turned 18-months old today...two is right around the corner! : )

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Birthday Suit : )

Carter is so funny lately before bath time...he has to make a few laps around the house in nothing but his birthday suit! Ha, ha! : )

Papa's Lawn mower

Every time Carter hears a lawn mower going, he automatically starts saying "Papa!" Papa has recently started a side business cutting some of the yards in their neighborhood. Today he let Carter sit on the mower with him and even took him on a spin around the yard! He had such a great time and gets the biggest smile on his face when you ask him about it!

Monday, May 11, 2009

18 month checkup

Carter's 18 month checkup went great! This was his first time to visit his new doctor's office (TN Pediatrics in Hendersonville) also...and we loved it!!! Dr. Johnson was so wonderful!!! Our little man weighs 22 lbs 8 oz. (8th percentile) and is 32 1/2 in. tall (50th percentile). He did have to get one shot, Hep A, which is why he isn't happy in the picture. Overall, he did really good. Dr. Johnson said he was perfect- he looks great and his learning & development are right on-track. The only question that we had for him was when to get rid of Ba Ba (paci)...he suggested within the next couple months. Vacation is coming up soon, so we may try it least we'll have extra help and can take naps during the day if he has a hard time sleeping without it. Matt has been wanting to get rid of it forever, but I'm the one that gets up with him during the night and I'm pretty sure it is going to be a big adjustment at first. Hopefully it won't be too bad...I'll keep ya'll updated on how that goes! : )

Oh, and we'll be taking him for his first dental appointment soon (we just need to decide on a pediatric dentist) that he has more teeth! : ) We are up to NINE now...whoo hoo...they were coming in so slow at first, we didn't think we'd ever get here! : )

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Carter's Bed

Usually Carter likes to play in his bed for a little while after waking up from a nap. Today, Matt & I were downstairs eating lunch and were watching him on the monitor. All of a sudden he throws his foot up on top of the rail (he has lifted his leg before, but never made it anywhere near the top)...I flew upstairs screaming for him to put his foot back in the bed and thankfully he listened! I was sick with a virus this weekend, and the heart attack he gave me didn't help! So this afternoon Daddy had to work on lowering his bed even further...and of course Carter wanted to help Daddy! : ) His bed is much lower now, so he won't be going anywhere for a long time!

Oh, and here's some more fun pictures from today. He decided Lola was the perfect size for him to ride on...poor Lola! : )