Monday, May 11, 2009

18 month checkup

Carter's 18 month checkup went great! This was his first time to visit his new doctor's office (TN Pediatrics in Hendersonville) also...and we loved it!!! Dr. Johnson was so wonderful!!! Our little man weighs 22 lbs 8 oz. (8th percentile) and is 32 1/2 in. tall (50th percentile). He did have to get one shot, Hep A, which is why he isn't happy in the picture. Overall, he did really good. Dr. Johnson said he was perfect- he looks great and his learning & development are right on-track. The only question that we had for him was when to get rid of Ba Ba (paci)...he suggested within the next couple months. Vacation is coming up soon, so we may try it least we'll have extra help and can take naps during the day if he has a hard time sleeping without it. Matt has been wanting to get rid of it forever, but I'm the one that gets up with him during the night and I'm pretty sure it is going to be a big adjustment at first. Hopefully it won't be too bad...I'll keep ya'll updated on how that goes! : )

Oh, and we'll be taking him for his first dental appointment soon (we just need to decide on a pediatric dentist) that he has more teeth! : ) We are up to NINE now...whoo hoo...they were coming in so slow at first, we didn't think we'd ever get here! : )

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