Sunday, May 10, 2009

Carter's Bed

Usually Carter likes to play in his bed for a little while after waking up from a nap. Today, Matt & I were downstairs eating lunch and were watching him on the monitor. All of a sudden he throws his foot up on top of the rail (he has lifted his leg before, but never made it anywhere near the top)...I flew upstairs screaming for him to put his foot back in the bed and thankfully he listened! I was sick with a virus this weekend, and the heart attack he gave me didn't help! So this afternoon Daddy had to work on lowering his bed even further...and of course Carter wanted to help Daddy! : ) His bed is much lower now, so he won't be going anywhere for a long time!

Oh, and here's some more fun pictures from today. He decided Lola was the perfect size for him to ride on...poor Lola! : )

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